The main Jetpack Compose based app module is contained in android-app
...this is also the version that's now
published to Play Store. The previous "legacy" version of app (based on fragments/layouts etc) is still contained in app
module but will be removed in near future.
Currently this project is also being used as platform to explore some of the relatively new Kotlin Multiplatform
capabilities. There is a Kotlin Multiplatform ShareCode
module for example along with sample iOS
and macOS apps. Have also written a couple of posts about some of my experiences doing this so far with this project. Also,
see PeopleInSpace and BikeShare for
other examples of use of Kotlin Multiplatform code.
- SwiftUI meets Kotlin Multiplatform!
- Introduction to Multiplatform Persistence with SQLDelight
- Using Google Maps in a Jetpack Compose app
The project depends on GOOGLE_API_KEY
environment variable to be defined for maps functionality to work. Alternatively
you can update where this is read in build.gradle