This ansible config is just a sample, do not use in production!!! More security improvment needs to be done for production (eg. iptables...).
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Ubuntu server 14.04.
Users system:
- ubuntu, vargrant or root... (sudo) default user
- $user (sudo)
Users mySQL:
- root
- $user
- websitesample
Mark: sample user django
Install Ansible with your package manager (apt, brew...).
Setup the vars in vars/myConfig.yml
and add ansible_inventory_machinename.yml
For exemple (is just a sample):
# ansible_inventory_machinename.yml
machineName ansible_host='' ansible_port=10022 ansible_user='myConnexionUser' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='~/.ssh/myPrivateKey.pem'
#Sample command line for Vagrant:
machineName ansible_host='' ansible_port=20022 ansible_user='vagrant' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key'
# Sample command line for Scaleway/OVH...:
machineName ansible_host='' ansible_port=30022 ansible_user='root' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='~/.ssh/my-private-key.pem'
# Sample command line for AmazonEC2:
machineName ansible_host='' ansible_port=40022 ansible_user='ubuntu' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='~/.ssh/my-private-key.pem'
Copy the config dist file vars/myConfig.yml.dist
$ cp vars/myConfig.yml.dist vars/myConfig.yml
# pathToTheProject/vars/myConfig.yml
rootPath: '~/git/remiii-ansible-ubuntu-app-simple-symfony'
hostname: 'vm1.local'
publicIpAddress: ''
Add the folowing files in the vars
- myGitHubUserMachineUserKey - Some info about GitHub UserMachine
- - Some info about GitHub UserMachine
... TBD
$ ansible-playbook -i ansible_inventory_machinename.yml ./myConfig.yml
That's it!
Licensed under the MIT license (see file)
- Rémi Barbe (aka Remiii)