Anagram Search Script Written In Julia
Checks if two words are anagrams, if they're anagrams, it return true and false otherwise..
It download file containing list of words using the url you put
Finds related anagrams in the download file containing list of words
julia> include("AnagramFinder.jl")
find_anagram (generic function with 1 method)
julia> is_anagram("julia","java")
julia> is_anagram("julia","python")
julia> is_anagram("julia","aluji")
julia> words=download_words("
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "C:\\Users\\SCOFEE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\words.txt"
│ progress = 1.0
│ time_taken = "0.17 s"
│ time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│ average_speed = "777 bytes/s"
│ downloaded = "129 bytes"
│ remaining = "0 bytes"
└ total = "129 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "C:\\Users\\SCOFEE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\words.txt"
│ progress = 0.1245
│ time_taken = "1.01 s"
│ time_remaining = "7.14 s"
│ average_speed = "298.673 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "303.153 KiB"
│ remaining = "2.082 MiB"
└ total = "2.378 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "C:\\Users\\SCOFEE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\words.txt"
│ progress = 0.3808
│ time_taken = "2.03 s"
│ time_remaining = "3.3 s"
│ average_speed = "456.501 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "927.153 KiB"
│ remaining = "1.472 MiB"
└ total = "2.378 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "C:\\Users\\SCOFEE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\words.txt"
│ progress = 0.6765
│ time_taken = "3.06 s"
│ time_remaining = "1.46 s"
│ average_speed = "537.583 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "1.609 MiB"
│ remaining = "787.523 KiB"
└ total = "2.378 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "C:\\Users\\SCOFEE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\words.txt"
│ progress = 0.9777
│ time_taken = "4.08 s"
│ time_remaining = "0.09 s"
│ average_speed = "582.718 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "2.325 MiB"
│ remaining = "54.273 KiB"
└ total = "2.378 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "C:\\Users\\SCOFEE~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\words.txt"
│ progress = 1.0
│ time_taken = "4.22 s"
│ time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│ average_speed = "577.074 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "2.378 MiB"
│ remaining = "0 bytes"
└ total = "2.378 MiB"
235886-element Array{String,1}:
julia> find_anagram("cinema",words)
3-element Array{String,1}: