It uses this theme "rEFInd-ultra" from JaimeStill.
You can clone this file and modify to your needs.
- Able to use mouse
- Able to use Touch Screen
- Shows these buttons {Shutdown, reboot, UEFI_firmware_Settings, hide tags, SecureBoot_Manager}
- Hide these UI elements {Singleuser(MacOS only), selecting options, options name, rEFInd logo, safemode(MacOS only) }
- Added Entries like Arch Linux, Fedora Linux, Windows
- 可以使用滑鼠
- 可以使用觸控螢幕
- 顯示以下按鈕{ 關機、重新開機、UEFI——Settings、隱藏嘅Options, SecureBoot管理程式}
- 隱藏以下UI標示{ MacOS嘅嘢嚟、當前選擇、系統名稱、Logo, 安全模式(MacOS only)}
- 可以用嚟開以下系統 Arch Linux, Fedora Linux, Windows