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Personal Finance Package (FinPack)

Super simple personal finance tracking.

Build balance sheets and cashflow statements.

Chart your net worth, asset allocation, financial independence trajectory and much more.


Demo gif

Table of Contents

Installation (for development)

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Install Git, Python 3.9+ and Poetry
  3. Clone the newly forked repo to your computer
  4. Inside FinPack/ run poetry install

Running Tests and Checking Coverage

Tests are created using unittest but are run with pytest (ensure you follow the Installation (for development) steps before running tests and checking test coverage):

$ poetry run pytest -v --cov


This package can be installed with the following command:

pip install finpack

How To Use

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Super simple personal finance tracking/management tools.

    init        Generate boilerplate data.csv
    balsheet    Outputs balance sheet to terminal

    finpack init [--filepath=filepath] [--sample-dataset] [--overwrite]
    finpack balsheet [--filepath=filepath] [--levels=level] [--date=date]
    finpack (--version | --help | -h)

    --filepath=filepath         Location of the account list. [default: data.csv]
    --levels=level              How deep of a breakdown on the report [default: 3]
                                    1 Categories
                                    2 Categories + Sub-categories
                                    3 Categories + Sub-categories + accounts
    --overwrite                 Write over existing file
    --date=date                 Custom date to build report (YYYY-MM-DD) [default: today]
    -v --version                Display installed version
    -h --help                   Show available commands

Generating the boilerplate data.csv:

The following will generate data.csv.

finpack init


finpack init --filepath=data.csv

Manually adding data to data.csv:

Data can be added manually to this csv file as long as you follow these standards:

  • Duplicate account names are only permitted if account types are different
  • Account types are always lowercase
  • Dates are always formatted YYYY-MM-DD

Account Structure in data.csv:

Types Description
account Determined and configured by user (examples below)
type Pre-determined values (assets, liabilities, incomes, expenses)
category Determined and configured by user (examples below)
sub_category Determined and configured by user (examples below)
description Determined and configured by user, best for supplement account data

Example CSV:

This is an example print out of what finpack init --sample-dataset will output to data.csv

YYYY-MM-DD is set dynamically when using finpack init and will be the current date.

account type category sub_category description YYYY-MM-DD
Checking Account 1 asset Cash and Cash Equivalents Checking Account 1000.00
Checking Account 2 asset Cash and Cash Equivalents Checking Account 2000.00
Savings Account 1 asset Cash and Cash Equivalents Savings Account 5000.00
Retirement Savings Account asset Retirement Accounts 401(k)s 20000.00
123 Main St. asset Property Real Estate 200000.00
123 Main St. liability Loans and Mortgages Mortgages 150000.00
Student Loan 1 liability Loans and Mortgages Student Loans 10000.00
Student Loan 2 liability Loans and Mortgages Student Loans 10000.00


Please read CONTRIBUTE for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.