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Support qudits in YaoToEinsum
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GiggleLiu committed Nov 22, 2024
1 parent 3c6a767 commit 932d4fb
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Showing 2 changed files with 24 additions and 22 deletions.
44 changes: 23 additions & 21 deletions lib/YaoToEinsum/src/circuitmap.jl
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
struct EinBuilder{T}
# T is the element type of the tensor network
# D is the dimension of the qudits
struct EinBuilder{T, D}
Expand All @@ -12,29 +14,29 @@ function add_tensor!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, tensor::AbstractArray{T,N}, labels::Vect
push!(eb.labels, labels)

function EinBuilder(::Type{T}, n::Int) where T
EinBuilder(collect(1:n), Vector{Int}[], AbstractArray{T}[], Ref(n))
function EinBuilder{T, D}(n::Int) where {T, D}
EinBuilder{T, D}(collect(1:n), Vector{Int}[], AbstractArray{T}[], Ref(n))
newlabel!(eb::EinBuilder) = (eb.maxlabel[] += 1; eb.maxlabel[])

function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, b::PutBlock{D,C}) where {T,D,C}
return add_matrix!(eb, C, mat(T, b.content), collect(b.locs))
# general and diagonal gates
function add_matrix!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, k::Int, m::AbstractMatrix, locs::Vector) where T
function add_matrix!(eb::EinBuilder{T, D}, k::Int, m::AbstractMatrix, locs::Vector) where {T, D}
if isdiag(m)
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Vector{T}(diag(m)), fill(2, k)...), eb.slots[locs])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Vector{T}(diag(m)), fill(D, k)...), eb.slots[locs])
elseif m isa YaoBlocks.OuterProduct # low rank
nlabels = [newlabel!(eb) for _=1:k]
K = rank(m)
if K == 1 # projector
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Vector{T}(m.right), fill(2, k)...), [eb.slots[locs]...])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Vector{T}(m.left), fill(2, k)...), [nlabels...])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Vector{T}(m.right), fill(D, k)...), [eb.slots[locs]...])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Vector{T}(m.left), fill(D, k)...), [nlabels...])
eb.slots[locs] .= nlabels
midlabel = newlabel!(eb)
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Matrix{T}(m.right), fill(2, k)..., K), [eb.slots[locs]..., midlabel])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Matrix{T}(m.left), fill(2, k)..., K), [nlabels..., midlabel])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Matrix{T}(m.right), fill(D, k)..., K), [eb.slots[locs]..., midlabel])
add_tensor!(eb, reshape(Matrix{T}(m.left), fill(D, k)..., K), [nlabels..., midlabel])
eb.slots[locs] .= nlabels
Expand All @@ -45,31 +47,31 @@ function add_matrix!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, k::Int, m::AbstractMatrix, locs::Vector)
return eb
# swap gate
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, b::PutBlock{2,2,ConstGate.SWAPGate}) where {T}
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T, 2}, b::PutBlock{2,2,ConstGate.SWAPGate}) where {T}
lj = eb.slots[b.locs[2]]
eb.slots[b.locs[2]] = eb.slots[b.locs[1]]
eb.slots[b.locs[1]] = lj
return eb

# projection gate, todo: generalize to arbitrary low rank gate
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, b::PutBlock{2,1,ConstGate.P0Gate}) where {T}
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T, 2}, b::PutBlock{2,1,ConstGate.P0Gate}) where {T}
add_matrix!(eb, 1, YaoBlocks.OuterProduct(T[1, 0], T[1, 0]), collect(b.locs))
return eb

# projection gate, todo: generalize to arbitrary low rank gate
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, b::PutBlock{2,1,ConstGate.P1Gate}) where {T}
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T, 2}, b::PutBlock{2,1,ConstGate.P1Gate}) where {T}
add_matrix!(eb, 1, YaoBlocks.OuterProduct(T[0, 1], T[0, 1]), collect(b.locs))
return eb

# control gates
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, b::ControlBlock{BT,C,M}) where {T, BT,C,M}
function add_gate!(eb::EinBuilder{T, 2}, b::ControlBlock{BT,C,M}) where {T, BT,C,M}
return add_controlled_matrix!(eb, M, mat(T, b.content), collect(b.locs), collect(b.ctrl_locs), collect(b.ctrl_config))
function add_controlled_matrix!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, k::Int, m::AbstractMatrix, locs::Vector, control_locs, control_vals) where T
function add_controlled_matrix!(eb::EinBuilder{T, 2}, k::Int, m::AbstractMatrix, locs::Vector, control_locs, control_vals) where T
if length(control_locs) == 0
return add_matrix!(eb, k, m, locs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,24 +171,24 @@ Read-write complexity: 2^6.0
function yao2einsum(circuit::AbstractBlock{D}; initial_state::Dict=Dict{Int,Int}(), final_state::Dict=Dict{Int,Int}(), optimizer=TreeSA()) where {D}
T = promote_type(ComplexF64, dict_regtype(initial_state), dict_regtype(final_state), YaoBlocks.parameters_eltype(circuit))
vec_initial_state = Dict{keytype(initial_state),ArrayReg{D,T}}([k=>render_single_qubit_state(T, v) for (k, v) in initial_state])
vec_final_state = Dict{keytype(final_state),ArrayReg{D,T}}([k=>render_single_qubit_state(T, v) for (k, v) in final_state])
vec_initial_state = Dict{keytype(initial_state),ArrayReg{D,T}}([k=>render_single_qudit_state(T, D, v) for (k, v) in initial_state])
vec_final_state = Dict{keytype(final_state),ArrayReg{D,T}}([k=>render_single_qudit_state(T, D, v) for (k, v) in final_state])
yao2einsum(circuit, vec_initial_state, vec_final_state, optimizer)
dict_regtype(d::Dict) = promote_type(_regtype.(values(d))...)
_regtype(::ArrayReg{D,VT}) where {D,VT} = VT
_regtype(::Int) = ComplexF64
render_single_qubit_state(::Type{T}, x::Int) where T = x == 0 ? zero_state(T, 1) : product_state(T, bit"1")
render_single_qubit_state(::Type{T}, x::ArrayReg) where T = ArrayReg(collect(T, statevec(x)))
render_single_qudit_state(::Type{T}, D, x::Int) where T = product_state(T, DitStr{D}([x]))
render_single_qudit_state(::Type{T}, D, x::ArrayReg) where T = ArrayReg{D}(collect(T, statevec(x)))

function yao2einsum(circuit::AbstractBlock{D}, initial_state::Dict{Int,<:ArrayReg{D,T}}, final_state::Dict{Int,<:ArrayReg{D,T}}, optimizer) where {D,T}
v_initial_state = Dict{Vector{Int}, ArrayReg{D,T}}([[k]=>v for (k, v) in initial_state])
v_final_state = Dict{Vector{Int}, ArrayReg{D, T}}([[k]=>v for (k, v) in final_state])
yao2einsum(circuit, v_initial_state, v_final_state, optimizer)
function yao2einsum(circuit::AbstractBlock{D}, initial_state::Dict{Vector{Int},<:ArrayReg{D,T}}, final_state::Dict{Vector{Int},<:ArrayReg{D,T}}, optimizer) where {D,T}
n = nqubits(circuit)
eb = EinBuilder(T, n)
n = nqudits(circuit)
eb = EinBuilder{T, D}(n)
openindices = add_states!(eb, initial_state)
add_gate!(eb, circuit)
openindices2 = add_states!(eb, final_state; conjugate=true)
Expand All @@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ function check_state_spec(state::Dict{Vector{Int},<:ArrayReg{D,T}}, n::Int) wher
@assert all(1 .<= iks .<= n) "state qubit indices must be in the range 1 to $n"
return iks
function add_states!(eb::EinBuilder{T}, states::Dict; conjugate=false) where {T}
function add_states!(eb::EinBuilder{T, D}, states::Dict; conjugate=false) where {T, D}
n = nqubits(eb)
unique_indices = check_state_spec(states, n)
openindices = eb.slots[setdiff(1:n, unique_indices)]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/YaoToEinsum/test/circuitmap.jl
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Expand Up @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ end
inner = (2,3)
focus!(reg, inner)
for final_state in [Dict([i=>rand_state(1) for i in inner]), Dict([i=>1 for i in inner])]
freg = join(YaoToEinsum.render_single_qubit_state(ComplexF64, final_state[3]), YaoToEinsum.render_single_qubit_state(ComplexF64, final_state[2]))
freg = join(YaoToEinsum.render_single_qudit_state(ComplexF64, 2, final_state[3]), YaoToEinsum.render_single_qudit_state(ComplexF64, 2, final_state[2]))
net = yao2einsum(c; initial_state=initial_state, final_state=final_state, optimizer=TreeSA(nslices=3))
@test vec(contract(net)) vec(statevec(freg)' * state(reg))
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