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Create Stats2Table_fs7.R
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larawierenga authored Feb 22, 2021
1 parent 69e83f0 commit b058e94
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 0 deletions.
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions Scripts/Stats2Table/Stats2Table_fs7.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
# Written by Olga Veth - s2067579 - University of Leiden
# Created on 30-09-2019
# Edited by Lara M Wierenga on 22-02-21
# Most Recent update: 22-02-21
# Version 4.0

# Edited for FS7

# Two inputs should be provided by the user of this script
# 1. Directory containing all the directories of the study participants with FreeSurfer output
# 2. Name of the study and/or dataset

#datasetDir <- "/path/to/subjects/directory/" # Change Directory to your data
datasetDir <- "/exports/fsw/Bendlab/BrainTime_Nii/" # Change Directory to your data

#dataset_name <- "Dataset_Name" # Provide name of your study and/or dataset
dataset_name <- "Brain_Time_QOALAT_fs7_update" # Provide name of your study and/or dataset

readAseg <- function(){
# The Aseg file of a subject is read in
# Volume_mm3 and StructName are selected
aseg_file <- data.frame(read.table(paste("./stats/aseg.stats", sep=""), row.names=1))[,c(3,4)]
asegTable <- t(data.frame(aseg_file[,1], row.names = aseg_file[,2])) # Aseg file - regular
return (asegTable)

readMetaAseg <- function(){
# The Aseg file of a subject is read in
# Its metadata containing 'lhCortex' etc. and their volume are saved
aseg_meta <- readLines("./stats/aseg.stats", n=35)[16:36] #Edited for fs7.0.0 from line 16 iso line 15
meta1 <- gsub("# ", "", aseg_meta)
meta <- t(data.frame(strsplit(meta1, ",")))[,c(2,4)]
metaTable <- t(data.frame(meta[,2]))
colnames(metaTable) <- meta[,1]

editCol <- function(side, string, add){
# Change measure areas from 'Areaname'--> 'lh_Areaname_area'
return(paste(side, "_", string, add, sep=""))

readAparc <- function(value){
# Aparc files of lh and rh are read in and the
# area and thickness values of both files are retreved as well as
# the metadata measurements of both parts
# Areanames are formatted and eventually the data is saved into
# a data frame
sides <- c("lh", "rh")
ifelse((value == "area"), pos <- 1, pos <- 2)

for (x in 1:length(sides)){
areaThickness <-"./stats/", sides[x], ".aparc.stats", sep=""), row.names=1))[, c(2,4)]
rowValues <- rownames(areaThickness)

meta <- readLines(paste("./stats/", sides[x], ".aparc.stats", sep=""))[c(20, 21)]
meta1 <- gsub("# ", "", meta)
meta2 <- t(data.frame(strsplit(meta1, ",")))[, c(2,4)]
meta3 <- data.frame(meta2[pos,2])
value2 <- gsub(" ", "", meta2[pos,1])

colnames(meta3) <- paste(sides[x], "_", value2, "_" , value, sep="")
extra <- t(matrix(areaThickness[,pos]))
colnames(extra) <- paste(sides[x], "_", rowValues, "_", value, sep="")
ifelse(x==1, aparcTable <- cbind(extra, meta3), aparcTable <- cbind(aparcTable, extra, meta3))

readFiles <- function(){
# Aseg and Aparc files are read in and all the data is merged
# starting with Aseg data followed with Aparc
asegTable <- readAseg()
metaTable <- readMetaAseg()

areaAparc <- readAparc("area")
thickAparc <- readAparc("thickness")

subjectTable <- cbind(asegTable, metaTable, areaAparc, thickAparc) # aparcMeta --> WhiteSurface
subjectTable <- data.frame(subjectTable)
return (subjectTable)

preprocTable <- function(subjectTable){
# Columnames are edited or removed of the table
removeCols <- c("*.WM-hypointensities$","*.WM.hypointensities$", "*pole*", "*bankssts*", "VentricleChoroidVol", "*CerebralWhiteMatterVol", "\\bSurfaceHoles\\b",
"SegVolFile.mri.aseg.mgz.", "*CorticalWhiteMatterVol")
remove <- grep(paste(removeCols, collapse="|"), colnames(subjectTable))
subjectTable <- subjectTable[, -remove]

colnames(subjectTable) <- gsub("^X\\.", "", colnames(subjectTable))
colnames(subjectTable) <- gsub("_\\.", "_", colnames(subjectTable))
colnames(subjectTable) <- gsub("-", ".", colnames(subjectTable))
colnames(subjectTable) <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(subjectTable))

colnames(subjectTable)[which(colnames(subjectTable) == "eTIV")] <- "EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol"
colnames(subjectTable)[which(colnames(subjectTable) %in% c("rd.Ventricle", "th.Ventricle",
"5th.Ventricle"))] <- c("X4th.Ventricle", "X3rd.Ventricle", "X5th.Ventricle") # change to names


main <- function(){
# It loops through all subjects sub-directories in the given directory
# With every single subject, data is retrieved and written in a row
# in the final table.
# The result is saved into a .CSV file
subjects <- c()
first <- T
subjectDirs <- unique(list.dirs('.', recursive=FALSE)) # Get all sample subject
for (x in 0:length(subjectDirs)){
setwd(paste(datasetDir, subjectDirs[x], sep=""))
statsDirs <- list.dirs('.', recursive=FALSE)
if (file.exists("./stats/aseg.stats")){
subjectTable <- readFiles()
subjectTable <- preprocTable(subjectTable)
if (first == T){
stats2Table <- subjectTable
subjects <- c(subjects, substring(subjectDirs[x], 3))
first = F
else if (ncol(subjectTable) == ncol(stats2Table)&& (first == F)){
stats2Table <- rbind(stats2Table, subjectTable)
subjects <- c(subjects, substring(subjectDirs[x], 3))


stats2Table <- data.frame(stats2Table)
rownames(stats2Table) <- subjects

# edit for fs7.0.0
# 1: rename Left.Thalamus into Left.Thalamus.Proper (idem Right)
colnames(stats2Table)[which(names(stats2Table) == "Left.Thalamus")] <- "Left.Thalamus.Proper"
colnames(stats2Table)[which(names(stats2Table) == "Right.Thalamus")] <- "Right.Thalamus.Proper"

# 2: In fs 7.0.0 two variables are dropped:
# BrainSegVolNotVentSurf and SupraTentorialVolNotVentVox
# These are almost identical to BrainSegVolNotVent and SupraTentorialVolNotVent respectively, so fill them with these values
stats2Table$BrainSegVolNotVentSurf <- stats2Table$BrainSegVolNotVent
stats2Table$SupraTentorialVolNotVentVox <- stats2Table$SupraTentorialVolNotVent

write.csv(stats2Table, paste("FreeSurfer_Output_", dataset_name,".csv", sep=""))

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