NJU_MIPS is course project for Experimemts in Digital Logit Circuits. It is a MIPS32 system.
- CPU Frequency : 12.5MHz
- Align: Big Endian
- Memory Size : 128KB
- Instruction ROM Size : 4KB
0x000000 - 0x003900 | ROM for instruction | executable; lw only |
0x003900 - 0x004000 | RAM for instruction | executable; lw,sw only |
0x004000 - 0x005000 | GRAM for video | readable, writable; access by vga( |
0x005000 | keyboard enable | lb only |
0x005004 | keyboard ascii | lb only |
0x005008 | audio enable | wb only |
Code will be load into inst_rom from inst_rom.mif in program. You can use Makefile to generate mif file from .s file. Or you can generate mif file from binary(.data) file. Compilation may takes about 4mins.
Test bench is sopc_tst.v in simulation/modelsim, top module should be sopc_tst. watchreg.do helps trace all regs value in hex.
For mac user, this lite tools is introduced. However, array variables cannot be seen.
- inst_rom_ip: 2-PORT ROM, 4096*32, inst_rom.mif
- data_ram_ip: 2-PORT RAM, 16384*8, blank
- ascii2pcode: 1-PORT ROM, 4096*12, a2c.mif
- video_ram_ip0~4: 2-PORT RAM, 1024*8, vm.mif
- kb(_shift)_rom: 1-PORT ROM, 256*8, c2a.mif
- sintable: 1-PORT ROM, 1024*16, sintable.mif
- c2f: 1-PORT ROM, 256*16, c2f.mif
- xck: Altera PLL