Using the foundation of the theme here is some extra to include ES6 and Sass Atomic Design all compiled with webpack.
- Installation
- Usage
- Testing
- Lint
- Jest
Before Use make sure Sass is installed correctly with Ruby
Okay? good now this:
clone the project into your theme folder of the wordpress site or separate so you can copy the files into your own folder name if you want.
$ npm install
Step 1:
The theme name is called "Front End Structure" if you want to change it to something else then as per the instructions found on
So if you wanted to name it to "Whatever You Want"
- Search for: 'front-end-structure' and replace with: 'whatever-you-want'
- Search for: front_end_structure_ and replace with: whatever_you_want_
- Search for: Text Domain: front-end-structure and replace with: Text Domain: whatever-you-want in style.css.
- Search for: Front_End_Structure and replace with: Whatever_You_Want
- Search for: front-end-structure- and replace with: whatever-you-want-
Step 2:
Don't forget to edit the comments in /sass/style.scss
To watch your scss and js files:
$ npm run watch
The js is saved to the path "/js/index.js" and the scss is saved to the default file "/style.css"
eslint is added to the project. In order to run type the following in the cmd line
$ npm run lint
The eslint config file "eslintrc.json" extends Airbnb and ignores line endings.
Documentation for Jest can be found here To run the tests
$ npm test
This runs all js in the "test" folder which has an example of a basic test for es6 and for jquery.