New logger to send logs to Elastic Cloud / Elastic Cloud Enterprise.
New logger to send logs to Sematext.
New option to early load DecaLog as a mu-plugin.
Full integration with IP Locator .
There's now a flag for each IP address in WordPress events logs (when a GeoIP detection handler is installed).
The settings page has now the standard WordPress style.
Better styling in "PerfOps Settings" page.
In site health "info" tab, the boolean are now clearly displayed.
Displaying of IPv6 addresses has been improved.
The update indicator is sometimes hidden.
If there's no GeoIP detection handler, a wrong flag is shown for public IPs.
An error may appear when updating plugin's empty tables.
Some placeholders (in text input) may have a wrong example value.
Dependency to "Geolocation IP Detection" plugin. Nevertheless, this plugin can be used as a fallback solution.
Flagiconcss as library. If there's no other way, flags will be rendered as emoji.
Integrated migration helpers prior to 1.9.x.
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