Welcome to the ICDS example job repository containing application "recipe files" for running jobs on the Roar supercomputing cluster.
Here is a list of links and tutorial video that will be helpful to you if you are just starting out with submitting batch jobs on Roar or if you are just looking for a simple refresher:
The Roar User's Guide:
The Roar Training Series:
Roar on demand Tutorial Videos:
Adaptive Computing's documentation for PBS:
If you would like to contribute to this repository, such as adding a new example job, make an update to an existing example job, open an issue, or even suggest an enhancement to this repository, then please read through this repository's CONTRIBUTING file for more info.
This repository is licensed under the permisive MIT License. For more information on what this license entails, please feel free to visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License.
If you encounter any issues while working with, building, or modifying any of the example jobs stored in this repository, please open an issue on this repository or email [email protected]. In that issue/email, please describe the issue that you are having, and please explain what you are trying to do with the container. The more information the merrier!