Install xammp and mysql on your computer.
Run the SQL syntax CREATA DATABASE sakila;
in your mysql terminal to create a database.
Also run the above SQL to create a table call logins.
use sakila;
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`firstname` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`lastname` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(70) NOT NULL,
`username` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `owid_covid_data` (
`iso_code` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`continent` tinytext NOT NULL,
`location` tinytext NOT NULL,
`date` tinytext NOT NULL,
`total_cases` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_cases` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_cases_smoothed` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_deaths` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_deaths` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_deaths_smoothed` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_cases_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_cases_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_cases_smoothed_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_deaths_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_deaths_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_deaths_smoothed_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`reproduction_rate` float(10) NOT NULL,
`icu_patients` float(10) NOT NULL,
`icu_patients_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`hosp_patients` float(10) NOT NULL,
`hosp_patients_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`weekly_icu_admissions` float(10) NOT NULL,
`weekly_icu_admissions_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`weekly_hosp_admissions` float(10) NOT NULL,
`weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_tests` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_tests` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_tests_per_thousand` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_tests_per_thousand` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_tests_smoothed` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand` float(10) NOT NULL,
`positive_rate` float(10) NOT NULL,
`tests_per_case` float(10) NOT NULL,
`tests_units` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_vaccinations` float(10) NOT NULL,
`people_vaccinated` float(10) NOT NULL,
`people_fully_vaccinated` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_boosters` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_vaccinations` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_vaccinations_smoothed` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_vaccinations_per_hundred` float(10) NOT NULL,
`people_vaccinated_per_hundred` float(10) NOT NULL,
`people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred` float(10) NOT NULL,
`total_boosters_per_hundred` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_vaccinations_smoothed_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_people_vaccinated_smoothed` float(10) NOT NULL,
`new_people_vaccinated_smoothed_per_hundred` float(10) NOT NULL,
`stringency_index` float(10) NOT NULL,
`population` float(10) NOT NULL,
`population_density` float(10) NOT NULL,
`median_age` float(10) NOT NULL,
`aged_65_older` float(10) NOT NULL,
`aged_70_older` float(10) NOT NULL,
`gdp_per_capita` float(10) NOT NULL,
`extreme_poverty` float(10) NOT NULL,
`cardiovasc_death_rate` float(10) NOT NULL,
`diabetes_prevalence` float(10) NOT NULL,
`female_smokers` float(10) NOT NULL,
`male_smokers` float(10) NOT NULL,
`handwashing_facilities` float(10) NOT NULL,
`hospital_beds_per_thousand` float(10) NOT NULL,
`life_expectancy` float(10) NOT NULL,
`human_development_index` float(10) NOT NULL,
`excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute` float(10) NOT NULL,
`excess_mortality_cumulative` float(10) NOT NULL,
`excess_mortality` float(10) NOT NULL,
`excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million` float(10) NOT NULL
Update the following config/config.php
file with your right database information
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_USER", "root");
define("DB_PASS", "Des@360");
define("DB_NAME", "users");
Fail run all the sql in your mysql teminal, you will get an error.
Also first time of running the project it will took about 2 munites and return an error tell you the time to upload the csv data.
Run the project again and it won`t happen that way anymore because the csv data is already uploaded.