This is a submission for the design course MIE443: Mechatronics Systems: Design and Integration at the University of Toronto
Date: March 23, 2021 Group: 20
Name | Student Number |
Stefan Albers | 1003476204 |
Mithun Jothiravi | 1002321258 |
Osvald Nitski | 1002456987 |
David Rolko | 1003037420 |
Open three terminals. Navigate to catkin_ws
in each of them.
In terminal #1 run
roslaunch mie443_contest2 turtlebot_world.launch world:=practice
In terminal #2 you will need the filepath to the map
file, here we show the full path on Osvald's VM, change the path to match your directory structure. Runroslaunch turtlebot_gazebo amcl_demo.launch map_file:=/home/<REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR USER SYSTEM NAME>/catkin_ws/src/mie443_contest2/maps/map_practice.yaml
In terminal #3 run
rosrun mie443_contest2 contest2
All the output results can be found in the Output_file.txt
file located in the catkin_ws
MIE443 Contest 1 repository is here.