v1.0.0 - OSI Validator
This is the first release of the OSI Validator. Its purpose is to parse a set of rules from the osi repository and apply them on a *.osi trace file according to their definition in the OSI message documentation. The overall principle is illustrated in the following grafic. Have fun and provide feedback!
Change Notes
- Added git lfs for storing trace files
- Created PR and issue templates for the repository
- Added OSI and proto2cpp as submodule packages
- Implemented travis CI to test the whole validation process with different arguments
- Added validation for the *.osi file format
- Added validation for *.lzma compressed files since they are efficiently compressed
- Added MP License to the repo
- Updated README according to the (K)eep (I)t (S)imple (S)tupid principle
- Added blast und buffersize to the command line argument of osi-validator
- Added parallel execution as command line argument
- Added installation instructions for the validator with global and local python environment
- Added local documentation for the validator
- Added reference documentation into the sphinx documentation of each python class in osi-validator
- Added a simple contributor's guideline
- Added a simple usage guideline with an example
- Added a rules2yml.py script to parse rules from OSI comments and generate yml files which can be used for validation
- Added unit tests for each implemented rule
- Formatted the code with black formatter
- Added code analyzer vulture to find dead unused python code
- Added all dependencies to the setup.py
- Renamed rules with intuitive names