New features
Implemented LOCK and UNLOCK methods a76f555
Implemented the User management 5e7325a
Implemented Basic and Digest HTTP authentication 5e7325a
Implemented the structure of the privilege management 5e7325a
Implemented some privilege/lock checkers 5e7325a
Can now convert multi ':' tag names into namespace when producing XML response 3fbfb17
Now check attributes to avoid namespace shortname collision when producing XML response 87f7a68
Upgraded the lock management 299e307
Added some errors as standard errors for better error management 8a051b2
Updated the 'disclaimer' section 364152e
Fixed bad alt value for npm badge 3c54594
Added what will be included in the future release 6495a73
Updated the tests about XML responses af18fcd
Implemented tests for the Authentication 2f02c2b
Added TypeScript types to package.json 766088b
Implemented tests for the LOCK and UNLOCK methods 43f934f
Bug fix
Fixed the '<ns1>:<ns2>:<name>' error leading to 'x:<ns2>:<name> xmlns:x='<ns1>' f3e15a4
Fixed namespace creation on '<namespace>:<name>' tag names 76d8bb0
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