RIDE is a development environment for Robot Framework test cases.
Instant Communication Join our #ride channel in Robot Framework Slack: https://robotframework.slack.com (signup page: https://robotframework-slack-invite.herokuapp.com/)
If you are looking for the latest released version, you can get the source code from releases or from branch release/ See the release notes for latest release version
Version was the last release supporting Python 2.7
Attention, this new version will break old style :FOR
, and you have to change to FOR/END
Attention, don’t install RIDE on Python 3.8 (wait for release of version 2.0)
Or you can install from development, where running on Python 3.8 is supported (since February 2020)
Install with:
pip install -U https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/archive/master.zip
Statistics at PyPi Stats and Libraries.io
Usage instructions and some tips and tricks can be found from the Wiki
Bug report/enhancement request? Use the issue tracker
Any questions? Do not hesitate to use the mailing list
Development information is in BUILD file