BCML was superseded by UKMM which is more simple to install but since the version 3.10.5 of BCML (and UKMM of course) : compatibility with older mods was removed.
BCML only work on Python version 3.7 and 3.8
This script will install BCML version 3.10.4 on Python 3.8, do not use it if all the mods are working in UKMM.
I made some scripts to install it but I recommend to run yourself the commands
Install PipX if you plan to use Python 3.8 for others use with pip :
pip install pipx
But keep in mind that PipX follow Linux directory structure
also Venv can be used but it will be too complicated to launch BCML
You also need the latest Visual C++ Redistributable for your computer so if you do not installed it yet, you can install with these links (permanent):
Install Python 3.8 without Tk/tcl for space and without adding it to your PATH because now Python 3.8 is now deprecated. Full example with Winget (set InstallAllUsers
to 1 if another user plan to do something, possibly the same, in BCML):
winget install -e --id Python.Python.3.8 -s winget --override '/passive InstallAllUsers=0 Include_doc=0 Include_tcltk=0'
OPTIONAL: Upgrade pip
py -3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
If you want you can use PipX to install BCML, see below
Since some problems occurs when installing PyYAML (a dependency of BCML) we have to download its dependencies manually
py -3.8 -m pip install 'cython<3.10.4' wheel
pip install "pyyaml==5.4.1" --no-build-isolation
Install BCML with pip
py -3.8 -m pip install bcml==3.10.4
RECOMMENDED: Create a shortcut in your Start Menu :
- CMD:
SHORTCUT -t "py -3.8 -m bcml" -d %%
- PowerShell:
$(New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut("[Environment]::GetFolderPath('StartMenu')\Programs\BCML.lnk")
- CMD:
On Linux PipX is highly recommended, Venv can be used also but a containerized environment is recommended
Install Python 3.8 and PipX
From APT :
Add ppa:deadsnakes/ppa withadd-apt-repository
, update APT and installpython3.9
From Pacman and the AUR :
(AUR) andpython-pipx
(Archlinux) -
Search on the Web how to install (sorry). For PipX see the PipX docs for how to install PipX on your distro
Setup BCML on PipX
pipx install bcml==3.10.4 --preinstall cython<3 --preinstall wheel --python python3.8
Sorry, I do not use Apple's products, if someone can translate the instruction for MacOS, please make an issue.
Manual installation is recommended
These scripts work for these distro and their derivates
curl https://github.com/NoNameWasDefined/BCML-installer/apt.sh | bash
curl https://github.com/NoNameWasDefined/BCML-installer/aur.sh | bash
Fell free to post any script for any distro you made