This is a compression library that implements the DEFLATE lossless compression algorithm for compressing data into the Gzip format. It is heavily inspired by the libflate rust library.
mops add deflate
import Gzip "mo:deflate/Gzip";
- Compressing and decompressing small data (<= 1MB)
import Blob "mo:base/Blob";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Gzip "mo:deflate/Gzip";
let gzip_encoder = Gzip.EncoderBuilder().build();
let gzip_decoder = Gzip.Decoder();
func compress_data(data: [Nat8]) : Gzip.EncodedResponse {
// returns the encoded response and resets the gzip_encoder
func decode_data(compressed: Gzip.EncodedResponse) : Gzip.DecodedResponse {
for (chunk in compressed.chunks.vals()){
// returns the decoded response and resets the gzip_decoder
let data = Blob.toArray(Text.encodeUtf8("Hello, world!"));
let compressed = compress_data(data);
let decompressed = decode_data(compressed);
assert (decompressed.bytes == data);
- Compressing / Decoding larger bytes of data ( > 1MB)
Due to the instruction limit for a single canister call, this implementation needs to make multiple calls to the canister to compress or decode larger bytes.
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
import TrieMap "mo:base/TrieMap";
import Text "mo:base/Text";
import Principal "mo:base/Principal";
import Gzip "mo:deflate/Gzip";
import Itertools "mo:itertools/Iter";
shared ({caller = owner}) actor class User() = self {
let gzip_encoder = Gzip.EncoderBuilder().build();
let gzip_decoder = Gzip.Decoder();
let map = TrieMap.TrieMap<Text, Gzip.EncodedResponse>(Text.equal, Text.hash);
func canister_id() : Principal { Principal.fromActor(self) };
// public canister async function that allows us make multiple calls to compress chunks of data
public shared ({caller}) func compress(chunk: [Nat8]) : async () {
assert caller == canister_id();
// public canister async function that allows us make multiple calls to decode chunks of compressed data
public shared ({caller}) func decode(chunk: [Nat8]) : async () {
assert caller == canister_id();
// compresses all the data irrespective of the size
func compress_data(data : [Nat8]) : async* Gzip.EncodedResponse {
let chunks_iter = Itertools.chunks(data.vals(), gzip_encoder.block_size());
for (chunk in chunks_iter){
await compress(chunk);
// returns the encoded response and resets the encoder
let compressed = gzip_encoder.finish();
return compressed;
// decodes all the compressed data irrespective of the size
func decode_data(compressed: Gzip.EncodedResponse) : async* [Nat8] {
for (chunk in compressed.chunks.vals()){
await decode(chunk);
// returns the decoded response and resets the decoder
let decoded_response = gzip_decoder.finish();
return Buffer.toArray(decoded_response.buffer);
public func store_image(name : Text, image: [Nat8]) : async () {
let compressed = await* compress_data(image);
map.put(name, compressed);
public func is_exact_image(name: Text, new_image : [Nat8]) : async Bool {
let ?compressed = map.get(name) else return false;
let stored_image = await* decode_data(compressed);
return stored_image == new_image;
Implementation in rust (libflate)
Data Compression Lectures: Lempel-Ziv Schemes and DEFLATE (gzip)