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Curtain pLot of Model with Observations scatter overlay: separate for…
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quaz115 committed Apr 16, 2024
1 parent 5f32335 commit 7b87cda
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Expand Up @@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ plots:
oper: "between"
value: [2000,8000] # values are [vmin_y2, vmax_y2]

type: 'vertprofile' # plot type
fig_kwargs: # Opt to define figure options
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rem_obs_nan: True
set_axis: False

type: 'scatter_density'
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# Add other seaborn.kdeplot keyword arguments here as needed
vcenter: #0 # Central value for TwoSlopeNorm
extensions: ['min', 'max'] # Extensions for the colorbar

type: 'curtain'
figsize: [12, 8]
fontsize: 18
domain_type: ['all']
domain_name: ['CONUS']
data: ['firexaq_wrfchem_v4.2','firexaq_wrfchem_v4.2_test']
rem_obs_nan: True
set_axis: True
ts_select_time: 'time'
#ts_avg_window: # 'H' #Uncomment to use time averaging
altitude_variable: 'altitude'
vmin_plot: 1000
vmax_plot: 10000
# Optionally specify a custom colormap and number of levels
##If want to use standard matplotlib colorscale comment the True option and colors and uncomment the following:
##color_map_custom: True
##colors: ['blue','royalblue', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red'] ##['#440154', '#3b528b', '#21908d', '#5dc963', '#fde725'] #['purple', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'] # Example gradient
color_map_custom: False
color_map: 'jet' # This tells the plotting function to use the built-in 'rainbow' colormap
color_levels: 15 #10 # Define the number of distinct colors in the color bar
# Optionally specify dynamic color bar ranges based on data
dynamic_color_range: True # New key to use dynamic ranges based on model and obs data

type: 'taylor' # plot type
fig_kwargs: #Opt to define figure options
figsize: [8,8] # figure size if multiple plots
Expand All @@ -250,7 +278,8 @@ plots:
rem_obs_nan: True # True: Remove all points where model or obs variable is NaN. False: Remove only points where model variable is NaN.
set_axis: True #If select True, add ty_scale for each variable in obs.

type: 'boxplot' # plot type
fig_kwargs: #Opt to define figure options
figsize: [8, 6] # figure size
Expand All @@ -262,6 +291,8 @@ plots:
rem_obs_nan: True # True: Remove all points where model or obs variable is NaN. False: Remove only points where model variable is NaN.
set_axis: False #If select True, add vmin_plot and vmax_plot for each variable in obs.

#Stats require positive numbers, so if you want to calculate temperature use Kelvin!
#Wind direction has special calculations for AirNow if obs name is 'WD'
Expand All @@ -279,4 +310,5 @@ stats:
domain_name: ['CONUS'] #List of domain names. If domain_type = all domain_name is used in plot title.
data: ['firexaq_wrfchem_v4.2','firexaq_wrfchem_v4.2_test'] # make this a list of pairs in obs_model where the obs is the obs label and model is the model_label

56 changes: 54 additions & 2 deletions melodies_monet/
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Expand Up @@ -1568,9 +1568,61 @@ def plotting(self):
##savefig(outname + '.png', logo_height=150)
##del (ax, fig_dict, plot_dict, text_dict, obs_dict, obs_plot_dict) #Clear axis for next plot.

elif plot_type.lower() == 'curtain':
curtain_config = grp_dict
vmin = curtain_config['data_proc'].get('vmin_plot', None)
vmax = curtain_config['data_proc'].get('vmax_plot', None)

model_label = p.model
obs_label = p.obs

if 'altitude' in pairdf.columns and vmin is not None and vmax is not None:
pairdf_filtered = pairdf[(pairdf['altitude'] >= vmin) & (pairdf['altitude'] <= vmax)]
pairdf_filtered = pairdf

model_data_pivot = pairdf_filtered.pivot(index='time', columns='altitude', values=modvar)
obs_data_pivot = pairdf_filtered.pivot(index='time', columns='altitude', values=obsvar)

# Convert datetime index to float seconds since the first timestamp
time_values = model_data_pivot.index.values
time_as_float = (time_values - time_values[0]).astype('timedelta64[s]').astype(float)

altitude_values = model_data_pivot.columns.values
model_data_2d = model_data_pivot.values
obs_data_2d = obs_data_pivot.values

model_data_2d_cleaned = airplots.interpolate_and_clean_model_data(time_as_float, altitude_values, model_data_2d)
#Create Curtain Plots
print(f"Processing curtain plot for model '{model_label}' and observation '{obs_label}'...")

time=time_values, #time_as_float, #for datetime format on x-axis use time_values

# Save the scatter density plot for the current pair immediately
outname_pair = f"{outname}_{obs_label}_vs_{model_label}.png"
print(f"Saving Curtain plot (Model) with Scatter Overlay (Observation) to {outname_pair}...") # Debugging print statement
plt.close() # Close the current figure

except Exception as e:
print(f"Error generating curtain plot for {modvar} vs {obsvar}: {e}")

#qzr++ Added vertprofile plotype for aircraft vs model comparisons
elif plot_type.lower() == 'vertprofile':
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152 changes: 149 additions & 3 deletions melodies_monet/plots/
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from numpy import corrcoef
from monet.plots.taylordiagram import TaylorDiagram as td
from matplotlib.colors import TwoSlopeNorm, ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap
from matplotlib.colors import TwoSlopeNorm, ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap, Normalize
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter

import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from import get_epa_region_bounds as get_epa_bounds
import math
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,6 +228,151 @@ def add_yax2_altitude(ax, pairdf, altitude_yax2, text_kwargs, vmin_y2, vmax_y2):

return ax

###NEW curtain plot qzr++

#### Function to interpolate and clean model data (FOR CURTAIN PLOT):

def interpolate_and_clean_model_data(time, altitude, model_data):
Interpolates and cleans model data for creating curtain plots.
time : numpy.ndarray
Array of time points converted to floats (e.g., seconds since the start).
altitude : numpy.ndarray
Array of altitude points.
model_data : numpy.ndarray
2D array of model data values to be cleaned and interpolated.
The cleaned and interpolated model data.
# Create meshgrid for interpolation based on the provided float time and altitude
time_grid, altitude_grid = np.meshgrid(np.unique(time), np.unique(altitude), indexing='ij')

# Flatten the grids and model data for interpolation
model_data_flat = model_data.flatten()
points = np.column_stack((time_grid.flatten(), altitude_grid.flatten()))

# Filter valid data points (non-NaN)
valid_mask = ~np.isnan(model_data_flat)
points_valid = points[valid_mask]
values_valid = model_data_flat[valid_mask]

# Perform interpolation using 'nearest' method to fill in NaNs
model_data_interpolated = griddata(points_valid, values_valid, points, method='nearest')

# Replace any remaining NaNs or Infs with appropriate limits
model_data_cleaned = np.nan_to_num(model_data_interpolated, nan=np.nanmean(model_data_interpolated), posinf=np.max(model_data_interpolated), neginf=np.min(model_data_interpolated))

# Reshape interpolated data back to the original grid shape
return model_data_cleaned.reshape(time_grid.shape)

#### Main curtain plot function:
def make_curtain_plot(time, altitude, model_data_2d, obs_data_2d, model_var, obs_var, grp_dict, vmin, vmax, domain_type, domain_name):
Generates a curtain plot comparing model data with observations across altitude over time,
with the ability to customize the appearance through a configuration dictionary.
time : numpy.ndarray
Array of time points, expected to be numerical values suitable for plotting.
altitude : numpy.ndarray
Array of altitude points.
model_data_2d : numpy.ndarray
2D array of cleaned and interpolated model data.
obs_data_2d : numpy.ndarray
2D array of observational data.
model_var : str
Model variable name for labeling.
obs_var : str
Observation variable name for labeling.
grp_dict : dict
Plot configuration options including aesthetics and normalization parameters.
vmin : float or None
Minimum value for color normalization, if applicable.
vmax : float or None
Maximum value for color normalization, if applicable.
domain_type : str
Type of domain being plotted (e.g., 'region', 'global').
domain_name : str
Name of the domain being plotted.
Saves the generated plot to a file.
# Create a figure with the specified dimensions
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=grp_dict.get('fig_kwargs', {}).get('figsize', (12, 6)))

# Calculate global min and max for color normalization
data_min = min(np.nanmin(model_data_2d), np.nanmin(obs_data_2d))
data_max = max(np.nanmax(model_data_2d), np.nanmax(obs_data_2d))

# Use custom colormap from YAML if provided, else default to 'viridis'
# Check if a custom colormap is specified or a named colormap should be used
color_levels = grp_dict.get('color_levels', 100) # Default or from YAML
if grp_dict.get('color_map_custom', False):
# Use custom colors to make a colormap
colors = grp_dict['colors']
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("custom_cmap", colors, N=color_levels)
# Use a named colormap
cmap = plt.get_cmap(grp_dict.get('color_map', 'viridis'))

norm = Normalize(vmin=data_min, vmax=data_max)

# Meshgrid for time and altitude to facilitate contour plotting
time_grid, altitude_grid = np.meshgrid(np.unique(time), np.unique(altitude), indexing='ij')

# Example for contour plot:
contour = ax.contourf(time_grid, altitude_grid, model_data_2d, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

# Observations overlayed on Model Curtain as Scatter
# Create a scatter plot using time and altitude
scatter = ax.scatter(time_grid.flatten(), altitude_grid.flatten(), c=obs_data_2d.flatten(), cmap=cmap, norm=norm, edgecolors='none')

cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ax=ax) #Colorbar for model and obs
# Get current font size from the 'text_kwargs' in grp_dict or use a default size
current_font_size = grp_dict.get('text_kwargs', {}).get('fontsize', 12)
cbar.set_label(f'{model_var}', fontsize=current_font_size*0.6) # You can adjust the fontsize as needed.*0.6) # Adjust the fontsize for the tick labels as needed.

# Set titles and labels with customized font settings
ax.set_title(f"Model Curtain Plot with Observations Scatter Overlaid: {model_var} vs {obs_var}", **grp_dict.get('text_kwargs', {'fontsize': 12}))
ax.set_xlabel('Time', **grp_dict.get('text_kwargs', {'fontsize': 12}))
ax.set_ylabel('Altitude', **grp_dict.get('text_kwargs', {'fontsize': 12}))
##ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=grp_dict.get('text_kwargs', {}).get('fontsize', 12))

# Set tick parameters
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=current_font_size * 0.8)

# Format the x-axis to display dates and times
ax.xaxis_date() # Interpret the x-axis values as dates
# Set format for date-time on the x-axis
ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
fig.autofmt_xdate() # Rotate date labels to prevent overlap

# Display legend and apply layout adjustments #Placeholder
# Plot legend
##plt.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.15, 1.15), borderaxespad=0.) #placeholder for any legend

# Adjust layout to fit the legend and prevent it from being cut off
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 0.85, 1])

# Save the plot to a specified file path
##plt.close() #close after showing to free up memory #if needed (placeholder)

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