A simple tiktok Multi-tool i made in python
Git-clone this repo & change directory
Right click on the folder where you unzipped the .zip
Click open terminal here: if you have windows terminal, then on settings set the default console to open is powershell if you dont have windows terminal then you can get it here (this is optional, i suggest this because you can open many different consoles with this program that you get on the windows store)
Install modules using pip (in powershell):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have Google Chrome installed
Run the .py file!
python Tiktok\ Multi-Tool.py
apt update && apt upgrade
apt install git && apt install python
git clone https://github.com/NNKTV28/Tiktok-Multi-tool.git
cd .\Tiktok-Multi-tool\
pip install -r requirements.txt
python Tiktok\ Multi-Tool.py
When it says copy tiktok video url, it means the url from chrome, not from copy url feature that tiktok has
The first recaptcha has to be completed manually.
in windows, just delete the folder and done
In Kali
rm -r -d Tiktok\ Multi-Tool.py