NKU 信息检索; NKU Information Retrieval
- 布尔检索:给定文档集合,使⽤BSBI算法实现倒排索引的构建,并使⽤可变长编码压缩保存到磁盘,然后实现联合查询。最后额外选择实现⼀种编码⽅式(gamma或者delta编码)
- 阅读论文,并汇报。
- 向量空间模型:给定查询文档集合(诗词txt文件),完成向量空间模型并对文档集合实现查询功能。
- 功能设计(开放型任务)
- 大作业:实现web搜索引擎。
This repository is for the Information Retrieval course at Nankai University, and the assignments are as follows:
- Boolean Retrieval: Given a document collection, implement the construction of an inverted index using the BSBI algorithm, compress it using variable-length encoding, and store it on disk. Then, implement Boolean queries. Additionally, choose to implement one encoding method (gamma or delta encoding).
- Literature Review and Reporting.
- Vector Space Model: Given a query and document collection (text files of poems), complete the vector space model and implement query functionality for the document collection.
- Functional Design (Open-ended task).
- Major Assignment: Implement a web search engine.