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New functions for anova computation/plot
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MirkoZanon committed Sep 8, 2024
1 parent aafec32 commit ae16797
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Showing 3 changed files with 490 additions and 0 deletions.
333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions src/numan_plus/
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@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
from statistics import mean, stdev, sqrt
import scipy.stats as stats
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import tifffile as tif
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

from numan_plus import compute_tunings

# Vectorized implementation of two-way ANOVA
def anova_two_way(A, B, Y):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,3 +103,328 @@ def anova_two_way_permutations(A, B, Y, num_perm):
pAB[active_cells] = np.sum(np.greater_equal(FAB,FAB0), axis=1)/nperm

return pA, pB, pAB

def group_logical_and(group1, group2):
Performs element-wise logical and
on two boolean arrays expects 1D or 2D (with second dimention of size 1) boolean arrays.
Returns a 1D boolean array.
if len(group1.shape) >1:
assert len(group1.shape)==2, "expects less than 2 dimension but got more than 2 dimension"
group1 = np.squeeze(group1)

if len(group2.shape) >1:
assert len(group2.shape) ==2, "expects less than 2 dimension but got more than 2 dimension"
group2 = np.squeeze(group2)

assert group1.shape == group2.shape , "Dimentions of things for logical and must match"

return np.logical_and(group1,group2)

def get_peristim(experiment, timepoints_to_use:list, stimulus_type:tuple, signals:npt.NDArray)->npt.NDArray: # add signals to argument
Makes a 3d array (timepoints, peristimulus cycle, cells)
from experiment_truncated_drift_corrected.db and json signal
timepoints_to_use: list, grabs indexed around the stimulus, +/- is before and after
stimulus_type: tuple, get the stimulus you want from experiment_truncated_drift_corrected
All of a certain number or shape
signals: numpy array, the signal trace
3D Numpy array of (timepoints, peristimulus cycle, cells)
idx = experiment.choose_volumes(stimulus_type)
#make empty list
idx_block = []

#makes a list of indexes to get signal later
idx_block = [i + j for i in idx for j in timepoints_to_use]

#make a list of signals for each stimulus
#order will be (timepoints, peristimulus cycle, cells)
number_per_peristim = len(timepoints_to_use)
number_of_peristim_cycle = int(len(idx_block)/number_per_peristim)
#signal is a numpy array and downstream stuff are too so dn blocks will be too
block_signal = np.empty((len(idx_block), signals.shape[1]))

#print(f'Note: you are exctracting signal from {signals.shape[1]} neurons')
# for foo in np.arange(signals.shape[1]):
for neur in np.arange(signals.shape[1]):
for t_point in np.arange(len(idx_block)):
block_signal[t_point, neur] = signals[idx_block[t_point], neur]
# print(block_signal.shape)

#reshape so we can easily find the mean later
#block_signal_reshaped = block_signal.reshape(number_per_peristim, number_of_peristim_cycle, signals.shape[1])
block_signal_reshaped = block_signal.reshape(number_of_peristim_cycle, number_per_peristim, signals.shape[1])
return block_signal_reshaped

def ANOVA_preprocess (experiment, stim_signal_exact, brain_region_tag, stim_volumes, signals):
Crate following variables for ANOVA calculation:
Hf: matrix of responses (cells X trials); Q: array of type of stimulus (trials,); C: array of type of control condition (trials,)
The responses are evaluated as avg across 3 time points from stimulus onset

## take a single avg value as reference response to stimulus (avg across 3 vols from stimulation)
stim_signal_prov = np.zeros((stim_signal_exact.shape[0],stim_signal_exact.shape[1],3))
stim_signal_prov[:,:,0] = stim_signal_exact
for i in [1,2]: # add additional volume after stimulus to calculate final avg signal
stim_add_volumes = [x+i for x in stim_volumes]
stim_add_signal = signals[:,stim_add_volumes]
stim_signal_prov[:,:,i] = stim_add_signal
## create final matrix Hf for anova (cells X trials)
stim_signal = stim_signal_prov.mean(axis=2)
print(' You have (cells,trials): ' + str(stim_signal.shape)+'\n')
annotation_dict2= {f"cell_{ic}": stim_signal[ic] for ic in np.arange(len(signals))}
Hf = np.array(annotation_df.iloc[:, 4:annotation_df.shape[1]])
#print('Final dataset, shape -> (trials,cells): ' + str(Hf.shape))

#calculate control trials label array C for anova (trials,): in our case array of 0,1,2,3,4,5 corresponding to the 6 combinations of getical control conditions (shape*spread)
C_pd = pd.factorize((annotation_df['shape']+ annotation_df['spread']), sort=True)
C = np.array(C_pd[0])
#print('Control conditions label array, shape -> (trials,): ' + str(C.shape))

#calculate stimulus trials label array Q for anova (trials,): in our case array of 0,1,2,3,4 corresponding to the 5 numerosity
Q_pd = pd.factorize(annotation_df['number'], sort=True)
Q = np.array(Q_pd[0])
#print('Stimulus label array, shape -> (trials,): ' + str(Q.shape))

return Hf, C, Q

def compute_anova_neurons(Q, C, Hf, alpha_level, n_permutations, filtered_idx):#, brain_region_tag, save_df):
print('\nRunning permutation ANOVA on real dataset:')

# Find numorosity selective units (anova_cells) using a two-way ANOVA with permutations (permute data and check F distribution for p-value)
pN, pC, pNC = anova_two_way_permutations(Q, C, Hf, n_permutations)
anova_cells = np.where((pN<alpha_level) & (pNC>alpha_level) & (pC>alpha_level))[0]
R = Hf[:,anova_cells]
#save_df['Total segmented'] = [Hf.shape[1]]
#save_df['Anova selective'] = [R.shape[1]]

chance_lev = Hf.shape[1]*alpha_level/6
#save_df['chance n cells per group'] = [chance_lev]
#print('Chance number of cells for group: '+str(chance_lev))
print('Number of anova cells = %i (%0.2f%%)'%(len(anova_cells), 100*len(anova_cells)/Hf.shape[1]))

##Creating dictionary for plotting anova cells: 'cell_ID'=preferred numerosity
pref_num, excitatory_or_inhibitory = compute_tunings.preferred_numerosity(Q, R)
number_cells_dic = {'anova_cells': filtered_idx[anova_cells], 'pref_num': pref_num, 'excitatory_or_inhibitory': excitatory_or_inhibitory}
anova_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data=number_cells_dic)
#for n in range(6):
# save_df[f'Preferring_{n}'] = [sum(pref_num==n)]
#os.makedirs('./caiman_final_datasets', exist_ok=True)
#print('\033[1m\nYour number units are calculated.\033[0m\nYou can find them in ./processed/caiman_final_dataset')

return R, chance_lev, anova_df#, save_df

def compute_shuffled_anova_neurons(Q, C, Hf, alpha_level, n_permutations):#, save_df):

print('\nRunning permutation ANOVA on shuffled dataset:')

Q_S = shuffle(Q, random_state=0)
C_S = shuffle(C, random_state=0)

# Find numorosity selective units (anova_cells) using a two-way ANOVA with permutations (permute data and check F distribution for p-value)
pN_s, pC_s, pNC_s = anova_two_way_permutations(Q_S, C_S, Hf, n_permutations)
anova_cells_shuffled = np.where((pN_s<alpha_level) & (pNC_s>alpha_level) & (pC_s>alpha_level))[0]
R_S = Hf[:,anova_cells_shuffled]

#save_df['Total segmented'].append(Hf.shape[1])
#save_df['Anova selective'].append(R_S.shape[1])
#chance_lev = Hf.shape[1]*alpha_level/6
#save_df['chance n cells per group'].append(chance_lev)
#print('Chance number of cells: '+str(chance_lev))
print('Number of anova cells on random shuffled data = %i (%0.2f%%)'%(len(anova_cells_shuffled), 100*len(anova_cells_shuffled)/Hf.shape[1]))

#pref_num_shuffled, excitatory_or_inhibitory_shuffled = compute_tunings.preferred_numerosity(Q_S, R_S)
#for n in range(6):
# save_df[f'Preferring_{n}'].append(sum(pref_num_shuffled==n))

return Q_S, C_S, R_S#, save_df

def replot_tuning_curves(output_real, output_shuffled):
# Extract data from the real output dictionary
exc_avg_tuning_abs_0_real = output_real['exc_avg_tuning_abs_0']
exc_err_tuning_abs_0_real = output_real['exc_err_tuning_abs_0']
exc_avg_tuning_abs_1_real = output_real['exc_avg_tuning_abs_1']
exc_err_tuning_abs_1_real = output_real['exc_err_tuning_abs_1']
inh_avg_tuning_abs_0_real = output_real['inh_avg_tuning_abs_0']
inh_err_tuning_abs_0_real = output_real['inh_err_tuning_abs_0']
inh_avg_tuning_abs_1_real = output_real['inh_avg_tuning_abs_1']
inh_err_tuning_abs_1_real = output_real['inh_err_tuning_abs_1']
distRange_abs_0_real = output_real['distRange_abs_0']
distRange_abs_1_real = output_real['distRange_abs_1']

# Extract data from the shuffled output dictionary
exc_avg_tuning_abs_0_shuffled = output_shuffled['exc_avg_tuning_abs_0']
exc_err_tuning_abs_0_shuffled = output_shuffled['exc_err_tuning_abs_0']
exc_avg_tuning_abs_1_shuffled = output_shuffled['exc_avg_tuning_abs_1']
exc_err_tuning_abs_1_shuffled = output_shuffled['exc_err_tuning_abs_1']
inh_avg_tuning_abs_0_shuffled = output_shuffled['inh_avg_tuning_abs_0']
inh_err_tuning_abs_0_shuffled = output_shuffled['inh_err_tuning_abs_0']
inh_avg_tuning_abs_1_shuffled = output_shuffled['inh_avg_tuning_abs_1']
inh_err_tuning_abs_1_shuffled = output_shuffled['inh_err_tuning_abs_1']
distRange_abs_0_shuffled = output_shuffled['distRange_abs_0']
distRange_abs_1_shuffled = output_shuffled['distRange_abs_1']

# Set up the figure with a number of subplots
num_plots = 2 # Initialize number of plots for excitatory neurons
if inh_avg_tuning_abs_0_real is not None: # Check if inhibitory data is available
num_plots += 2 # Update number of plots to include inhibitory neurons
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8)) # 2x2 layout
axs = axs.flatten() # Flatten for easier indexing
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) # 1x2 layout

# Plot for excitatory neurons - numerical distance = 0
axs[0].errorbar(distRange_abs_0_real, exc_avg_tuning_abs_0_real,
color='black', label='Real Data', capsize=3)
axs[0].errorbar(distRange_abs_0_shuffled, exc_avg_tuning_abs_0_shuffled,
color='blue', label='Shuffled Data', capsize=3)
axs[0].set_xlabel('Numerical Distance')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Normalized Neural Activity')
axs[0].set_title('Numerical Distance Tuning Curve (Excitatory)')

# Plot for excitatory neurons - absolute distance = 1
axs[1].errorbar(distRange_abs_1_real, exc_avg_tuning_abs_1_real,
color='black', label='Real Data', capsize=3)
axs[1].errorbar(distRange_abs_1_shuffled, exc_avg_tuning_abs_1_shuffled,
color='blue', label='Shuffled Data', capsize=3)
axs[1].set_xlabel('Absolute Numerical Distance')
axs[1].set_ylabel('Normalized Neural Activity')
axs[1].set_title('Absolute Numerical Distance Tuning Curve (Excitatory)')

# If inhibitory neurons are provided, create their plots
if inh_avg_tuning_abs_0_real is not None:
# Plot for inhibitory neurons - numerical distance = 0
axs[2].errorbar(distRange_abs_0_real, inh_avg_tuning_abs_0_real,
color='red', label='Real Data', capsize=3)
axs[2].errorbar(distRange_abs_0_shuffled, inh_avg_tuning_abs_0_shuffled,
color='orange', label='Shuffled Data', capsize=3)
axs[2].set_xlabel('Numerical Distance')
axs[2].set_ylabel('Normalized Neural Activity')
axs[2].set_title('Numerical Distance Tuning Curve (Inhibitory)')

# Plot for inhibitory neurons - absolute distance = 1
axs[3].errorbar(distRange_abs_1_real, inh_avg_tuning_abs_1_real,
color='red', label='Real Data', capsize=3)
axs[3].errorbar(distRange_abs_1_shuffled, inh_avg_tuning_abs_1_shuffled,
color='orange', label='Shuffled Data', capsize=3)
axs[3].set_xlabel('Absolute Numerical Distance')
axs[3].set_ylabel('Normalized Neural Activity')
axs[3].set_title('Absolute Numerical Distance Tuning Curve (Inhibitory)')


def plot_anova_results(Q, R, Q_S, R_S, brain_region_tag, chance_lev, n_numerosities, colors_list):

#create new folder to save anova graphs
os.makedirs('./anova_figures', exist_ok=True)
save_path = './anova_figures'

# real data ######################################################################
print('\033[1m\nREAL DATA\033[0m\n')

pref_num, excitatory_or_inhibitory = compute_tunings.preferred_numerosity(Q, R)
compute_tunings.plot_selective_cells_histo(pref_num, n_numerosities, colors_list,excitatory_or_inhibitory = excitatory_or_inhibitory, chance_lev = chance_lev, save_path = save_path, save_name=f'{brain_region_tag}_numberneurons_percentages')
tuning_mat_exc, tuning_err_exc, tuning_mat_inh, tuning_err_inh = compute_tunings.get_tuning_matrix(Q, R, pref_num, excitatory_or_inhibitory, n_numerosities)

compute_tunings.plot_tuning_curves(tuning_mat_exc, tuning_err_exc, colors_list, tuning_mat_inh, tuning_err_inh, excitatory_or_inhibitory)
output = compute_tunings.plot_abs_dist_tunings(tuning_mat_exc, n_numerosities, tuning_mat_inh, save_file=None, print_stats=True)

#shuffled data #####################################################################
print('\033[1m\nSHUFFLED DATA\033[0m\n')

pref_num_shuffled, excitatory_or_inhibitory_shuffled = compute_tunings.preferred_numerosity(Q_S, R_S)
compute_tunings.plot_selective_cells_histo(pref_num_shuffled, n_numerosities, colors_list, excitatory_or_inhibitory = excitatory_or_inhibitory_shuffled, chance_lev = chance_lev, save_path = save_path, save_name=f'{brain_region_tag}_shuffled_numberneurons_percentages')
tuning_mat_exc_shuffled, tuning_err_exc_shuffled, tuning_mat_inh_shuffled, tuning_err_inh_shuffled = compute_tunings.get_tuning_matrix(Q_S, R_S, pref_num_shuffled, excitatory_or_inhibitory_shuffled, n_numerosities)

compute_tunings.plot_tuning_curves(tuning_mat_exc_shuffled, tuning_err_exc_shuffled, colors_list, tuning_mat_inh_shuffled, tuning_err_inh_shuffled, excitatory_or_inhibitory_shuffled)
output_shuffled = compute_tunings.plot_abs_dist_tunings(tuning_mat_exc_shuffled, n_numerosities, tuning_mat_inh_shuffled, save_file=None, print_stats=False)

replot_tuning_curves(output, output_shuffled)

def save_anova_mask(spots, spot_tag, region_tag, vol_size, resolution):
# vol_size and resolution ordered as: (Z, Y, X)
print('Creating tiff with cells in 3D volume...')
anova_group_tags = ["anova_groups", "anova_num_0", "anova_num_1","anova_num_2","anova_num_3","anova_num_4","anova_num_5"]
for anova_tag in anova_group_tags:

r = spots.groups[region_tag]
a = spots.groups[anova_tag]
combined_group = group_logical_and(r, a)
mask = spots.get_group_mask(combined_group, vol_size) #spots.groups[combined_tag], (Z, Y, X))

mask.astype(np.uint16), shape=vol_size,
metadata={'spacing': resolution[0], 'unit': 'um', 'axes': 'ZYX'},
resolution=(1 / resolution[1], 1 / resolution[2]), imagej=True)

def save_anova_spots(spots, anova_df, spot_tag):

print('Saving spots with neurons info...')

anova_cell = anova_df["anova_cells"].values
pref_num = anova_df["pref_num"].values.astype(int)
#create anova group
anova_groups = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_groups[anova_cell] = 1
#create group numerosity 0
anova_num_0 = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_num_0[anova_cell[pref_num == 0]] = 1
#create group numerosity 1
anova_num_1 = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_num_1[anova_cell[pref_num == 1]] = 1
#create group numerosity 2
anova_num_2 = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_num_2[anova_cell[pref_num == 2]] = 1
#create group numerosity 3
anova_num_3 = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_num_3[anova_cell[pref_num == 3]] = 1
#create group numerosity 4
anova_num_4 = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_num_4[anova_cell[pref_num == 4]] = 1
#create group numerosity 5
anova_num_5 = np.zeros(spots.num_spots)
anova_num_5[anova_cell[pref_num == 5]] = 1


32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/numan_plus/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import numpy as np

def filter_nn(indices, dist, corr_thresh, signal2, signal_ref, centers_refplane, centers_plane2):
match_index_array = np.ones((indices.shape[0],))*(-1) #index of cell in plane2 merged with corresponding row cell in refplane. -1 = unique
for i, ix2 in enumerate(indices):
if (np.corrcoef(signal2[int(ix2)][np.newaxis],signal_ref[i][np.newaxis])[0,1]>=corr_thresh) & (dist[i]<1):
match_index_array[i] = ix2
my_dist = np.sqrt((centers_refplane[i][0]-centers_plane2[int(ix2)][0])**2+(centers_refplane[i][1]-centers_plane2[int(ix2)][1])**2)
return match_index_array

def nearest_neighbourds(centers_plane2, centers_refplane, radius):
index_neighbours = np.ones(len(centers_refplane))-2
distance_neighbours = np.ones(len(centers_refplane))*1000
for idx, p_ref in enumerate(centers_refplane):
current_min_dist = radius
for idx2, p2 in enumerate(centers_plane2):
dist = np.sqrt((p_ref[0]-p2[0])**2+(p_ref[1]-p2[1])**2)
if dist<=current_min_dist:
current_min_dist = dist
index_neighbours[idx] = idx2
distance_neighbours[idx] = dist
return distance_neighbours, index_neighbours

def merge_units(plane_name_2, plane_name_ref, dist_thresh, corr_thresh, CENTERS_dict, DFF_dict):
centers_refplane = CENTERS_dict[plane_name_ref]
centers_plane2 = CENTERS_dict[plane_name_2]
dff_refplane = DFF_dict[plane_name_ref]
dff_plane2 = DFF_dict[plane_name_2]
dist, idx2 = nearest_neighbourds(centers_plane2, centers_refplane, radius = dist_thresh)
#idx2 -= 1 # analysis.nearest_neighbour_assignmnet starts to number from 1, we adjust back to 0
merged = filter_nn(idx2, dist, corr_thresh, dff_plane2, dff_refplane, centers_refplane, centers_plane2)
return merged

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