The smart contract exposes two methods to enable storing and retrieving an encrypted (key, value)
Credentials for existing testnet deployment are available in 1Pass
To build the contract you can execute the ./
script, which will in turn run:
Then, run the ./
script, which will in turn run:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/hello_near.wasm
the command near dev-deploy
automatically creates an account in the NEAR testnet, and deploys the compiled contract on it.
Once finished, check the ./neardev/dev-account
file to find the address in which the contract was deployed:
cat ./neardev/dev-account
# Use near-cli to get the key
near view <dev-account> get_key '{"account_id": <SOME_ACCOUNT>}'
changes the contract's state, for which it is a change
# Use near-cli to set a new key
near call <dev-account> set_key '{"encrypted_key": "whateva"}' --accountId <dev-account>
Tip: If you would like to call set_key
using your own account, first login into NEAR using:
# Use near-cli to login your NEAR account
near login
and then use the logged account to sign the transaction: --accountId <your-account>
This is the contents of ./ts-lib
it is a node project meant for off-chain transaction construction which is compatible with the contract. In particular, there are tools available to generate a new ETH account, encrypt the private key and store it on near. Tools for recovery (i.e. retrieval and decryption) of the EVM account are also available.
To try it out see
cd ts-lib
npm install
Run e2e test
npm test