Actually i found the configs, this is no longer necessary and as such, will be archived.
This is a fork of AE2 i made for trying to solve issues for the Omnifactory modpack.
See AE2-Omnifactory branch for commits and Releases for the compiled jars.
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world.
You need to add the following into a CraftTweaker script:
mods.recipestages.Recipes.setPackageStage("appeng", allStages);
The second argument allows you to customize which stages exactly you want to be craftable with AE2. Idk why would you like to restrict any, but you can.
- Applied Energistics 2 API
- Applied Energistics 2
- Textures and Models
- Text and Translations
Thanks to
- Notch et al for Minecraft
- Lex et al for MinecraftForge
- AlgorithmX2 for AppliedEnergistics2
- all contributors