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Martin Gleiss edited this page May 2, 2015 · 1 revision

What is new in release v1.9?

The focus in this relase was to integrate Google-Calendar.

A new widgets (located in 'widgets/calendar.html') come to show the calendar-events.

You enter your events in Google-Calendar as usual. In the event-description to tags are supported, to change color and icon in the calendar-list.:

@icon        icons/ws/ICON.png
@color       #COLOR

for example:

@icon        icons/ws/meld_muell.png
@color       #222266


for all events in a Google-Calendar. You may place this widget on your startscreen.


The calendar widgets must be configured through the config-page.

1. First you have to copy the private-xml link from your Google-Calendar.

2. Login into Google-Calendar and select "settings" from your calender you want to integrate.

3. Click 'xml' on the private link:

4. Copy the link into the smartVISU config dialog: URL

5. Make sure to use http: not https: (you can only use https: if php is compiled with ssl support).

6. Place the calendar.list in any page:

{% import "calendar.html" as calendar %}
{{ calendar.list('calendarlist', 'My Calendar', 5) }}

In this example next 5 events are shown.