A web app for your self-transformation journey!
🏠 Homepage
Amidst the hectic lives and pandemic struck world, mental health has taken a back seat. This thought gave birth to our inspiration of this web based app that would provide activities customised to a person’s mood that will help relax and rejuvenate.
We planned to create a platform that could detect a users mood through facial recognition, recommends yoga poses to enlighten the mood and evaluates their correctness, helps user jot their thoughts in self care journal.
Local Setup:
clone the repository using
git clone
Setup the website
1)cd Login
npm install
in the cmd
nodemon app.js
to start the server at
Setup the emotion based recognition system
cd Emotion based music recommendation
pip install Django==3.2.8
python -m venv .\venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver
Frontend: HTML5, CSS(frameworks used:Tailwind,CSS),Javascript
Backend: Python,Javascript
Server side> Nodejs, Passport js
Database> MongoDB( for user login), MySQL(for mood based music recommendations)
Made with 💜 by
Manvi1203 - Implemented the yoga pose evaluator and frontend web dev.
Manan-jn - Implemented the mood based music song recommendation system and backend web dev.
GKSibal- UI/UX Designer
🏢 Umang
- Github: @Umang
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