本软件以 "现状" 来提供,希望它能有用,但不作任何保证。 在安装/更新之前,请务必阅读参考资料。虽然没有猫受到伤害* ,如因使用/滥用而引致任何问题,我概不负责。
GNU通用公共许可证第3版或更新的副本将随每个版本一起提供。 请在使用,修改和/或共享此作品的任何部分之前阅读它。
为了防止欺诈,不要镜像任何与项目相关的链接; 不要在线共享 ready-to-flash-builds (zips) !
acc通过操纵Android的低级(内核)参数,控制充电电路。 虽然到目前为止我的设备没有出现任何问题,但由于使用/滥用此软件可能会导致任何问题,我不承担任何责任。 选择使用/误用acc,即表示您同意自担风险!
默认情况下,一旦电池容量达到 maxCapacity%
,电池状态就会自动重置。用户可以选择每次拔下充电器时是否也重置电池状态 (resetUnplugged=true/false
Depending on device's capabilities, charging can be controlled based on temperature conditions, battery capacity, time, voltage, current and/or more variables. Limiting the charging voltage (i.e., to no more than 4.2 Volts) is the best thing to do for a long lasting battery service life. There's an option for that (onBoot
settings). Unfortunately, not all devices/kernels allow modifying voltage_max
(even with read-write permissions). Fortunately, for those who are deprived of this ability, acc can keep battery voltage within less stressful thresholds -- and it does that by default. Read on...
(即使具有读写权限)。幸运的是,对于那些被剥夺了这种能力的人来说,acc可以将电池电压保持在压力较小的阈值范围内 -- 默认情况下这样做。继续阅读......
Charging is paused when battery temperature >= maxTemp °C
or capacity >= maxCapacity%
. maxTemp °C
includes a cooling timeout in seconds (default: 90). Charging is paused periodically as well to reduce voltage and temperature induced stress. This kicks in at coolDown capacity
(default: 60) or lower temperature
(default: 40°C) values. Each of these controls can be disabled individually.
当电池温度> =maxTemp°C
或capacity> =maxCapacity%
时,暂停充电。 maxTemp°C
包括以秒为单位的冷却超时(默认值:90)。定期暂停充电以降低电压和温度引起的应力。这将在“coolDown capacity”(默认值:60)或“lower temperature”(默认值:40°C)值下启动。可以单独禁用这些控件中的每一个。
To prevent deep battery discharges and eventual cell damage, system is automatically and cleanly shutdown if battery is not charging and its capacity <= shutdownCapacity%
配置更改会在 loopDelay
Daemon state is managed with acc -D|--daemon <start/stop/restart>
. accd can as well be started/restarted by simply running accd
. It can also be stopped through the removal of the lock file /dev/acc/running
. This file contains the daemon's Process ID (PID).
日志储存在 /data/media/0/acc/logs/
中. acc-power_supply-$deviceName.log
包含电源信息. 当设备不受acc支持时,需要寻找充电开关. 其他日志文件 (acc-daemon-$deviceName.log*
) 包含用于调试常规/高级问题的运行时诊断信息.
`语法: acc
-c|--config <editor [opts]> 编辑配置 w/ <editor [opts]> (默认值: vim|vi) e.g., acc -c nano -l
-d|--disable <#%, #s, #m or #h (optional)> 禁用充电或使用<条件>禁用充电 e.g., acc -d 70% (电量下降到70%之前不要充电), acc -d 1h (直到1小时后才开始充电)
-D|--daemon 显示当前的acc守护程序(accd)状态 i.e., acc -D
-D|--daemon <start|stop|restart> 管理accd状态 e.g., acc -D restart
-e|--enable <#%, #s, #m or #h (optional)> 启用充电或使用<条件>启用充电 e.g., acc -e 30m (充电30分钟)
-i|--info 显示电源信息 i.e., acc --info
-l|--log <editor [opts]> 打开 <acc-daemon-deviceName.log> w/ <editor [opts]> (默认值: vim|vi) e.g., acc -l grep ': ' (仅显示错误), acc -l cat >/sdcard/acc.log (是的,这也有效)
-r|--readme 打开 <README.md> w/ <editor [opts]> (默认值: vim|vi) i.e., acc -r
-R|--resetstats 重置电池状态
-s|--set 显示当前配置 i.e., acc --set
-s|--set 设置配置参数 e.g., acc -s verbose true (启用 verbose), acc -s capacity 5,60,80-85 (5: shutdown (默认), 60: cool down (默认), 80: resume, 85: pause)
-s|--set Can be 4041|endurance+, 5960|endurance, 7080|default, 8090|lite 9095|travel e.g., acc -s endurance+ (a.k.a, "the li-ion sweet spot"; 最适合GPS导航和其他长时间操作), acc -s travel (for when you need extra juice), acc -s 7080 (恢复默认容量设置 (5,60,70-80))
-s|--set <s|switch> 从数据库中选取设置不同的充电开关 i.e., acc -s s
还可以使用acc <pause%> <resume%> 设置暂停和恢复容量。 e.g., acc 85 80
可以链接命令以实现扩展功能。 e.g., acc -e 30m && acc -d 6h && acc -e 85 && accd (充电30分钟,停止充电6小时,再充电至85%并重启守护进程)`
`capacity=5,60,70-80 # <shutdown,coolDown,resume-pause> -- ideally, shouldn't be more than 10 units below . To disable , and , set these to 0 and 101, respectively (e.g., capacity=0,101,70-80). Note that the latter doesn't disable the cooling feature entirely, since it works not only based on battery capacity, but temperature as well. #理想情况下,不应超过以下10个单位。要禁用和,请将它们分别设置为0和101(例如,capacity = 0,101,70-80)。请注意,后者并未完全禁用冷却功能,因为它不仅基于电池容量,还基于温度
coolDown=50/10 # Charge/pause ratio (in seconds) -- reduces battery temperature and voltage induced stress by periodically pausing charging. This can be disabled with a null value or a preceding hashtag. If charging is too slow, turn this off or change the charge/pause ratio. Disabling this nullifies and values -- leaving only a temperature limit with a cooling timeout. #充电/暂停比(以秒为单位) - 通过定期暂停充电来降低电池温度和电压引起的压力。可以使用空值或前面的主题标签禁用此功能。如果充电速度太慢,请将其关闭或更改充电/暂停比率。禁用此功能会使和值无效 - 仅保留冷却超时的温度限制
temp=400-450_90 # <coolDown-pauseCharging_wait> -- is interpreted in seconds and it allows battery temperature to drop below . By default, temperature values are interpreted in <degrees Celsius times 10>. To disable temperature control entirely, set absurdly high values (e.g., temp=900-950_90). #<coolDown-pauseCharging_wait> - 以秒为单位进行解释,它允许电池温度低于。默认情况下,温度值以<摄氏度乘以10>来解释。要完全禁用温度控制,请设置大的离谱的数值(例如,temp = 900-950_90)
verbose=false # Alpha and Beta versions will generate verbose whether or not this is enabled. #Alpha和Beta版本将生成详细信息,无论是否启用此功能
resetUnplugged=false # Reset battery stats every time charger is unplugged, as opposed to only when max battery capacity is reached. #每次拔下充电器时重置电池状态,而不是仅在达到最大电池容量时重置
loopDelay=10 # Time interval between loops, in seconds -- do not change this unless you know exactly what you're doing! #循环之间的时间间隔(以秒为单位) - 除非您确切知道自己在做什么,否则不要更改此值!
maxLogSize=10 # Log size limit in Megabytes -- when exceeded, $log becomes $log.old. This prevents storage space hijacking. #日志大小限制(以兆字节为单位) - 超过时,$log 变为 $log.old。这可以防止存储空间被劫持
#switch= # Custom charging switch parameters ( ), e.g., switch=/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charging_enabled 1 0, pro tip: <./> can be used in place of </sys/class/power_supply/> (e.g., switch=./battery/charging_enabled 1 0). #自定义充电开关参数( ),例如,开关= / sys / class / power_supply / battery / charging_enabled 1 0,专业提示:<./>可用于代替</ sys / class / power_supply />(例如,switch =./ battery / charging_enabled 1 0)
#onBoot=./usb/device/razer_charge_limit_enable:1 ./usb/device/razer_charge_limit_max:80 ./usb/device/razer_charge_limit_dropdown:70 # These settings are applied on boot. #这些设置在引导时应用
onBootExit=false # Exit after applying "onBoot" settings from above. Enabling this is particularly useful if voltage_max or similar is being set -- since keeping accd running in such cases is pointless. #从上面应用“onBoot”设置后退出。如果设置了voltage_max或类似功能,则启用此功能特别有用 - 因为在这种情况下保持accd运行是没有意义的
#onPlugged=./wireless/current_max:2000000 ./usb/current_max:2000000 # These settings are applied every time an external power supply is connected. #每次连接外部电源时都会应用这些设置`
- 任何根解决方案,最好是Magisk 17.0+
- 如果系统不支持Magisk或init.d,需要应用程序在启动时 (以root权限) 运行
或acc -D start
- 基本终端使用知识
- 终端仿真器 (i.e., Termux)
- 从Magisk Manager或自定义恢复中安装
- 重启
- 定制你的配置 路径 /data/media/0/acc/config.txt(可选)
- 从Magisk Manager或自定义恢复中安装
- 重启
- 如果ROM支持
- Magisk: 使用Magisk Manager或其他工具; 遗留: 再次刷入相同的版本会从 /system 中删除所有acc的痕迹
- 重启
2019.1.24 (201901240)
- Additional devices support
- General fixes & optimizations
- Generate power_supply log in the background.
- Enable charging after stopping accd (acc --daemon stop).
- More accurate encrypted data detection
2019.1.9.2 (201901092)
- Added support for some Huawei devices' weirdnesses. 2019.1.9.1 (201901091)
- Fixed
acc -s s <path> <on> <off>
. 2019.1.9 (201901090) - Additional devices support
- Enhanced power supply logger. Owners of still unsupported devices, upload the newly generated acc-power_supply-$deviceName.log file.
- Cycle through all supported charging switches (new algorithm). Users no longer need to run <acc -s s> if charging control is inconsistent - unless they want to enforce a particular switch or set custom charging switch parameters.
- General fixes & optimizations
- Updated building and debugging tools.
- Updated documentation & default config.
2018.12.26.1 (201812261)
- [accd] Fixed "not autostarting if data is encrypted"