Magento 2 Store Restriction Pro extension provides the complete restriction functionality for your store in many ways (disabling registration, requiring customer approval, restricting access to special customers while allowing guess access to certain pages)
- Upgrade Proof Module(purely event-observer based, no any preferences/rewrites).
- Compatible with Magento CE 2.X & EE 2.X.
- Option to enable/disable the functionality as per store.
- Compatible with Magento 2 Custom Redirect Pro Extension.
- Essential Module for B2B/B2C, private sale, member only, invite only stores.
- Provides option to disable the customer registration (with an optional custom message).
- Includes Magento 2 Customer Group Selector / Switcher extension for FREE, which allows customer group selection/automatic group switching from the registration page.
This feature gives the store owner the ability to approve or reject the new customer account.
Since it requires the pre-verification of every new customer, it becomes one of the essentials modules for B2B & B2C.
Some of the key features:
- Option to enable/disable the customer approval feature
- Configurable customer groups that require admin approval
- Option to auto-approve new customer registration
- Easier approval management for the admin
- Notify admin on new customer registration (with configurable email template)
- Notify customer on his/her account approval or rejection (with configurable email template)
- Configurable message (html tags supported) & redirection for the non-approved customer
Provides Store Restriction of two types
- Non-Restricted
- The store is accessible for all the users.
- Restricted (Only configured pages accessible)
- The store is restricted, requires login to be accessible.
- Provides option to select which customer group(s) can access the restricted store.
- Provides option to redirect the not allowed user to the custom page(Login, CMS or any custom page) with configured message (html tags supported).
- Provides option to allow certain CMS, Category, Product & custom module pages for guest users.
- Accessible (Only configured pages/sections restricted) - coming soon
- Download the extension .zip file and extract the files.
- Copy the extension files from src/ folder to the {magento2-root-dir}/
- Run the following series of command from SSH console of your server:
php bin/magento module:enable MagePsycho_StoreRestrictionPro MagePsycho_GroupSwitcherPro --clear-static-content
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Flush the store cache
php bin/magento cache:flush
- Go to Admin > Stores > Configuration > MagePsycho > Store Restriction Pro > Configure your settings here...
Version v1.0.6 (2020-04-24)
- Added html tag support in custom messages
Version v1.0.5 (2020-04-15)
- Fixed the /customer/account/createPassword bug
Version v1.0.4 (2020-04-11)
- Added Added customer activation/approval feature
- Changed Refactored the code
- Added Tested the compatibility with Magento v2.3.4
Version v1.0.3 (2019-11-12)
- Refactored the code
- Changed Fixed the system configuration tab issue
- Added Tested the compatibility with Magento v2.3.3
Version 1.0.2 (2019-05-23)
- Fixed redirection issue from homepage
- Fixed registration disabled case
- Compatibility tested with Magento v2.3.x
Version 1.0.0 (2017-06-12)
- Initial Release.
- magento 2 restriction
- magento 2 restriction module
- magento 2 restriction extension
- magento 2 restriction extension free
- magento 2 customer restriction
- magento 2 customer group restriction
- magento 2 restrict by customer group
- magento 2 cms restriction
- magento 2 page restriction
- magento 2 product restriction
- magento 2 category restriction
- magento 2 restrict category access
- magento 2 website restriction
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- magento 2 shipping restriction
- magento 2 shipment restriction
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- magento 2 restrict shipping method
- magento 2 restrict payment method
- magento 2 restrict cash on delivery
- magento 2 restrict zip codes
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- magento 2 customer activation
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- magento 2 disable add to cart button
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