- Linux OS system
- The easiest and recommended way is to make sure you have the latest version of Docker Desktop, which bundles the Docker Engine and Docker CLI platform including Compose V2
- jq package (just needed for crosswalk examples)
For installation execute the following command. It will prepare the folder structure and configuration for the application in the given INSTALL_DIRECTORY
INSTALL_DIRECTORY must be an absolute path!
host:/$> sudo ./install.sh INSTALL_DIRECTORY
Running the application
host:/$> sudo docker compose up
Set new password in the database
Retrieve cassandra containerId via
host:/$> sudo docker container lsFrom the Docker-Host open bash in the container
host:/$> sudo docker exec -it cassandra_containerId bashInside the container start the cqlsh with the default password
cassandra-oai:/$> cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra;Set new Password via cqlsh shell
Set new cassandra password for the oai-backend container
Edit INSTALL_DIR/configs/oai_backend/fiz-oai-backend.properties and change
After starting the services you can call the following urls and see if the "oai-provider" and the "oai-backend" response
Oai-Provider: http://localhost:8080/oai/
Oai-Backend: http://localhost:8081/oai-backend/info/version
You need at least the oai_dc format defined in the backend. This format is mandatory for all oai provider. The script examples/createFormats.sh shows you how to create formats via curl.
If you want to automatically transform your metadata into other formats, you can use crosswalks. The commands in examples/createCrosswalks.sh shows you how Radar metadata can be transformed into oai_dc and datacite via XSLT.
After creating at least the oai_dc format, you are able to send your metadata into the oai-backend. Have a look at examples/addItem.sh. The curl command shows you how to create a multipart request to the backend. It contains of two parts
- The xml metadata itself (content)
- An item description for the metadata in JSON (item)
The FIZ-OAI has no security features, like authentication or autorization. If needed you can adapt Basic-Auth to the service. The only Service allowed to be connected to the internet is the Oai-Provider. You should use vHost listening to 443 including a Reverse-Proxy and certificate for doing this:
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName www.your-domain.edu
ProxyPass /oai http://localhost:8080/oai
ProxyPassReverse /oai http://localhost:8080/oai
A cronjob is creating regularly snapshots and backups of the cassandra database. You can find them here: INSTALL_DIR/data/cassandra-backup
You have to backup INSTALL_DIR/data/cassandra-backup for disaster recovery!
For security reason you must change the default JMX password.
Update cassandra JMX password for backup container
Edit INSTALL_DIR/.cassandra_dump_env and change
Update JMX remote password for cassandra container
Edit INSTALL_DIR/configs/cassandra/jmxremote.password and change
fizoaibackend NEW_JMX_PASSWORD
There are several parameters to configure the provider ui via INSTALL_DIR/configs/oai_provider/oaicat.properties
branding.service.name=Testinstanz FIZ OAI Provider
branding.welcome.text=This is the FIZ OAI provider
branding.font.family=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;