This repository holds a number of submodules pointing to the repositories of MediaWiki extensions that are not hosted on Wikimedia's Gerrit instance. If you want to add one, just send us a pull request.
Repositories included here will automatically be included in MediaWiki code search, which is used by MediaWiki core developers when identifying usage levels during the deprecation process.
The simplest thing you can do is submit an issue with the URL of the repository.
Of course, while your issue will get the the repository added, the quickest way to get your repositories added here (in other words, you'll save the maintainers of this repository from doing a lot of work) is to create a pull request that adds then to in accordance with this repository's policy. The policy is recorded in the policy script.
To add your extension to this repository, fork this repository, check out your fork, go to the directory containing the checkout, and create a branch with the named after your extension(s). (See Creating a pull reaquest from a fork if you need information on how to do any of this.)
Now, edit the .gitmodules to add a stanza like this one:
[submodule "SemanticMediaWiki"] path = SemanticMediaWiki url =
(Of course, as a reminder, use your own repository and name instead of the ones for SemanticMediaWiki.)
After updating .gitmodules, run the [[policy]] script on your fork's checkout.
After successful completion of the above steps, commit your changes and push update your fork's Github repository. Again, refer to Creating a pull reaquest from a fork if you need information on how to do any of this.
It isn't strictly necessary, but you can update the submodule references by using the update-all-submodules script which iterates over each submodule and calls update-to-primary-branch to update the submodule.