⭐ If you just used this template repository ⭐
Prepare your repository for use by removing ZeroPoint branding and replacing it with your own project name and description.
1. Allow GitHub Actions to write to your repository
- Click "Settings" in the top right corner of your repository
- Click "Actions/General" in the left sidebar
- Under "Workflow permissions" choose "Read and write permissions"
- Click "Save"
2. Run the "Remove ZeroPoint branding" action
- Click the "Actions" tab in the top navigation of your repository
- Click the "Remove ZeroPoint branding" workflow
- Click the "Run workflow" button, choose the
branch, and click the green "Run workflow" button
Read more at https://getzeropoint.com!
A free, new-user-friendly static website generator starter project designed to get you "up to zero" building your site, letting you focus on your HTML, CSS, and Javascript rather than setting up your build tools.
Create, edit, and publish your content to the web for free.
With first-class support for GitHub Pages and Netlify, ZeroPoint has everything you need to get started building your website, including:
- 🗺️ A simple, easy-to-understand project structure powered by Eleventy
- ⚒️ Sass and JavaScript compilation and minification
- 🚀 Optional automated deployment to GitHub Pages or Netlify
With ZeroPoint you can build your website with the tools you know and love, and deploy it to the platform of your choice with ease.
Get started with ZeroPoint one of the following ways:
✨ ZeroPoint will automatically remove its own branding and replace it with your own project name and description. See details here.
Start with GitHub (recommended)
Start your project with ZeroPoint by clicking the "Use this template" button below:
Start with Netlify
Create a copy of ZeroPoint and deploy it straight to Netlify for free!
Start with GitHub CLI (https://cli.github.com)
Get started from your command line
gh repo create example.com --template MWDelaney/ZeroPoint
Ready to go deeper? Here's how ZeroPoint is laid out:
example.com # → Root of your ZeroPoint-based project
├── src/ # → Source directory
│ ├── assets/ # → Site assets
│ │ ├── fonts/
│ │ ├── images/
│ │ ├── scripts/
│ │ ├── styles/
│ │ ├── views/
│ │ │ └── layouts/
│ │ │ └── partials/
│ │ └── assets.json # → Shared attributes for files in the assets directory
│ ├── config/ # → Eleventy configuration
│ │ ├── build.js # → Javascript and CSS build and bundler configuration
│ │ ├── collections.js # → Add and configure collections (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/collections/)
│ │ ├── filters.js # → Add and configure filters (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/filters/)
│ │ ├── passthroughs.js # → Add and configure passthroughs (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/copy/)
│ │ ├── plugins.js # → Add and configure plugins (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/)
│ │ ├── shortcodes.js # → Add and configure shortcodes (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/shortcodes/)
│ │ ├── templateLanguages.js # → Configure custom template languages (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/custom/)
│ │ ├── watchtargets.js # → Add and configure watch targets (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/watch-serve/)
│ │ └── config.json # → Shared attributes for files in the config directory
│ ├── content # → A nice, organized, recommended place for all site content
│ │ └── pages # → Add "pages" collection items here
│ └── data # → Customize site data (https://www.11ty.dev/docs/data/)
│ ├── navigation.json # → Site navigation configuration
│ └── site.json # → Site branding configuration
├── .eleventy.js # → Core Eleventy config file
├── netlify.toml # → Netlify deployment and plugin configuration (optional)
├── README.ZeroPoint.md # → ZeroPoint readme
└── README.md # → Your project's readme (automatically generated when this template is used)
Eleventy configuration is abstracted from the typical .eleventy.js
file and moved to /src/config/
for easy organization and configuration of collections, filters, passthroughs, etc.
npm i
npm run dev
(The same as production except every page is flagged noindex
npm run staging
npm run production