A package for object recognition, build for EECS 476 Mobile Robotics Individual Project
Ran Hao ([email protected])
Shipei Tian([email protected])
Plug in your Kinect to your machine
Start Kinect driver: roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch
Open rqt_reconfigure: rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
In camera / driver, check the box depth_registration.
Since now, the most fast and accurate way to recognize object is using ORK which is a mesh based recognition, see (http://wg-perception.github.io/object_recognition_core/).
####Run it by
rosrun object_recognition_core object_add.py -n "coke " -d "A empty coke can" --commit
rosrun object_recognition_core mesh_add.py [the object id that previous command returned] `rospack find pcl_recognition`/data/coke.stl --commit
roslaunch pcl_recognition ORK.launch
Video demonstration: https://youtu.be/lbvA26GHWz0
This packages contains multi approaches from PCL to recognize objects in a Kinect scene, including:
####Run it by
roscd pcl_recognition/pcd
For test 1:
rosrun pcl_recognition correspondence_grouping coke_bad.pcd coke_scene.pcd -k -c --model_ss 0.01 --scene_ss 0.01 --cg_thresh 2.9 --cg_size 0.09
For test 2:
rosrun pcl_recognition correspondence_grouping new_coke.pcd coke_2.pcd -k -c --model_ss 0.02 --scene_ss 0.02 --cg_thresh 2 --cg_size 0.13
####Run it by
roscd pcl_recognition
####Run it by
roscd pcl_recognition/pcd
rosrun pcl_recognition global_hypothesis_verification milk.pcd milk_cartoon_all_small_clorox.pcd -k
roscd pcl_recognition/pcd
rosrun pcl_recognition icp coke.ply 20
From all the PCL Algorithms, the best one is Correspondence Grouping using Hough, a library is build with that algorithm, see object_recognizer.cpp, for usage see object_recognize_main.cpp
####Run it by
For test 1:
roslaunch pcl_recognition object_recognizer_test1.launch
For test 2:
roslaunch pcl_recognition object_recognizer_test2.launch
For test 3:
rosrun pcl_recognition object_recognize_main
For all approaches in PCL library, it all requires pcd files as original input, so we write an useful tool to make a pcd file from Kinect cloud so that you can use it as input for object_recognizer.
####Run it by
rosrun pcl_recognition pcd_edit_tool name_you_want_to_save.pcd
Usage demonstration: https://youtu.be/GV69MXoV2kg
####Run it by
roslaunch pcl_recognition find_stool_coke.launch
Select the object you want to find using Publish Selected Points.
Or, you can this node separately by:
rosrun pcl_recognition find_stool (your pcd file name)
It will let you select the type of object you want to find in order to load the best filter range, if other selection, it will let you manually input the filter range