# Pull down the project contents
git clone https://github.com/MIT-LCP/lcp-website.git
# Change to the project directory
cd lcp-website
# Create a new Python3.5+ virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
# Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# Install the package requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# When finished with everything:
# De-activate the virtual environment
# Change to the project directory
cd lcp-website
# Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# Copy the .env.example file:
cp config/.env.example .env
# Run the Flask App on localhost
flask run
# When finished viewing the webpage:
# Quit the Flask App
# When finished with everything:
# De-activate the virtual environment
Before deploying for the first time, make sure to set the variables in the post-receive
file in the bare repository.
Add the remote bare repositories from your local development machines:
git remote add <production> <user>@<address>:/home/webuser/lcp-website.git
Push to the remotes when appropriate
git push <production> <production>
A bit of information for the main script files.
- change.py - Takes as input three different lcp_references.html files and changes them to the version in the website
- config.py - Has the connection to Postgres
- main.py - The actual application file
- Postgres.py - All the postgres functions
From NGINX the web application used to serve the files instead of apache/httpd, there are several IMPORTANT files that must NOT be touched.
- /etc/uwsgi.sockets/lcp_uwsgi.sock - Auto generated file by lcp_website.service
- wsgi_lcp.ini - The reference file that the lcp_website.service takes to serve the application
- wsgi.py - The actual calling the application used by main.ini
- main_nginx.conf - The nginx configuration file