Releases: MASTmultiphysics/mast-multiphysics
MAST v2.0.0
- Several improvements in documentation with a python script to translate comments in each example to an independent tutorial.
- Improved Travis CI with multiple OS and releases
- Travis CI automatically updates MAST documentation on GitHub page.
- New examples on topology optimization:
- Immersed boundary with parameterized level-set and element intersections (Example 5)
- SIMP with parameterized element density (Example 6)
- Immersed boundary with parameterized level-set and homogenized element density (Example 8)
- Added multiple benchmark topology optimization problems that can be run using either of these methods.
- Added algebraic geometric filter for topology optimization.
- Several optimizations for computational efficiency in topology optimization.
- Added support for Nastran finite element input files through pyNastran with demonstration in Example 7.
- Fixed bug in beam element mass matrix.
- Multiple fixes for compatibility with recent versions of libMesh.
- Generalized-alpha time integration for second order transient systems.
- Added tie-constraints with example 3.
- Added support for point loads.
MAST v2.0.0-alpha1
This update brings a new immersed boundary topology optimization solver for 2D problems and an updated Cmake build system.
Towards the stable v2.0.0 release the examples from the old code will be migrated over to this code, documentation will be updated and the testing framework will be updated, which has been lagging behind the code significantly.
MAST v1.0.0-beta
First version of MAST includes elasticity, conduction, flow solvers, flutter solver with sensitivity and plenty of examples.
This state of the code has been around for about a year, but we never really tagged it. It works well, but the documentation and test suite have lagged behind.
We will not be updating this release any more. Instead, we have made significant improvements in the solver: immersed boundary topology optimization, updated and more streamlined build system. We will release those as version 2.0 and continue to update the code from there.