Flutter Backend Driven UI Project, using Dynamic Widget and Firebase Firestore to "hot reload" the application when cloud database updated.
This project is using:
- dynamic_widget: ^4.0.1 due backend to UI parse;
- firebase_core: ^1.4.0 to use the Firebase services;
- cloud_firestore: ^2.4.0 to implement the Firestore database.
To run this project you'll need to:
- Update the 'android/app/google-services.json' with the firebase generated file; - Import the 'GoogleService-Info.plist' to the iOS project;
- Replace the 'web/index.html' firebaseConfig var (line 37) with your generated config.
- Create the Firestore structure: "pages" collection >> "home" document >> "widgets" field as string, with 'example_backend_code.json' content as value. You can check the expected structure with the 'firestore_database_structure.png' file, attached at this project.
You can easily check the available widgets json structure at the 'lib/src/common/constants/widget_example_constants.dart' file. Also, it's recommended to check the dynamic_widget example project. Remember to update the 'pubspec.yaml' with the last version of dynamic_widget to get the newest widget structures, always reading the lib documentations and checking possible conflicts.
- Lab: Write your first Flutter app
- Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples
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