This repository contains the implementation of the training algorithm for large-spread boosted tree ensembles, based on LightGBM, and the efficient robustness verification algorithm CARVE-GBM presented by Calzavara et. al. in their research paper Verifiable Boosted Tree Ensembles accepted at the 46th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2025 (IEEE S&P 2025).
The artifact is organized in the following folders:
- the datasets/ folder contains the datasets used to train the large-spread boosted ensembles. See the "Obtain the datasets" section for more details about its subfolders.
- the src/ folder contains:
- the training/ folder that contains all the scripts useful for training the models. It contains also a reference to the modified version of LightGBM that supports the enforcing of the large-spread condition.
- the verification/ folder that contains all the scripts useful to verify the robustness of the models. It contains the code of the following verifiers:
- CARVE-GBM in the carvegbm/ folder.
- A reference to our modified version of SILVA in the silva/ folder.
Download the repo using git clone <repo_link> --recursive
to download also the submodules.
In the paper you may find some details of the system in which we run the experiments. Here we report some details about the software. Our system uses:
- python (3.8)
- some python modules: scikit-learn (1.0.2), numpy (1.22.3), argparse (1.1), pandas (1.4.2), matplotlib (3.5.1), lightgbm (4.1.0)
- g++ (9.4.0)
- make (4.2.1)
You can use docker to run a container running Ubuntu and with all the dependensies installed. Use the script in the main folder to build and run the docker. It requires to have installed docker.
You can produce the training sets and test sets used in our experimental evaluation by executing the bash script in the src/datasets_utils folder.
If you want to use another dataset, you have to create the folder datasets/<dataset_name>/ and the following folders in it:
- dataset/, that will contain the training_set, test_set e validation_set.
- models/, models/gbdt/ and models/gbdt_lse/, that will contain the trained GDBT models and large-spread boosted ensembles.
The datasets in the datasets/<dataset_name>/dataset/ must be named as follows:
- training_set_normalized for the training set;
- test_set_normalized for the test set;
- validation_set_normalized for the validation set obtained by dividing the entire training set in the (sub)-training set and validation set.
See the in the src/lightgbm folder.
See the in the src/carvegbm folder.
See the in the src/silva folder.
See the in the src/lightgbm folder.
Example: ./lightgbm/lightgbm config=train.conf boosting=gbdt data=../../datasets/mnist26/dataset/training_set_normalized.csv valid=../../datasets/mnist26/dataset/validation_set_normalized.csv num_trees=500 num_leaves=16 k=0.01 seed=0 output_model=../../datasets/mnist26/models/gbdt_lse/lightgbm_lse_best_0_16_inf_0.01_subflsc_-1.txt p=inf learning_rate=0.1 early_stopping_round=50 feature_fraction=1 verbose=-1
(run it in the src/training/lightgbm/build folder).
See the in the src/carve folder.
Example: ./verify -i ../../../datasets/mnist26/models/gbdt_lse/<model_name> -t ../../../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv -p inf -k 0.01 -ioi -1
(run it in the src/verification/carvegbm/build folder).
See the in the src/silva folder.
Example: ./silva/src/silva ../datasets/mnist26/models/gbdt/<model_name> ../datasets/mnist26/dataset/test_set_normalized.csv --perturbation l_inf 0.01 --index-of-instance -1 --voting softargmax
(run it in the src/verification/silva folder).
After compiling all the tools, you can run this simple test to check that everything works fine:
If you use this artifact in your work, please add a reference/citation to our paper. You can use the following BibTeX entry:
If you want to ask questions about the artifact and notify bugs, feel free to contact us by sending an email to [email protected].