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Lachlan Grose edited this page Oct 24, 2024 · 1 revision

Releasing a new version

A new version of map2model can be released by pushing a commit with the tag Release-As e.g.

git commit --allow-empty -m "chore: release 1.2.1" -m "Release-As: 1.2.1"

This will release map2model version 1.2.1, alternatively if the code is changed using conventional commit messages feat,fix,breaking new versions can be released.

As a general rule bug fixes and minor changes should be released as patches, new features should be released as minor versions and major API changes should be released as major versions.

Building map2model on new Python versions

To build map2model for a different python version or a new operating system the organisation environment variables CIBW_BUILD, PYTHON_VERSIONS and BUILD_OS can be locally overwritten using local repository variables for the github action. The pypi.yml and conda.yml workflows can then be run manually and the releases will be built

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