Bug Fixes
🚑 added scale parameter for calculate_topo matrix. (839e0e0 )
🐛 adding experimental flag for loopstructural (f810479 )
🐛 changes support barycentre to property (d2e1f0b )
🐛 fixing bugs for flake8 (9dce30c )
🐛 small changes to pass tests. (14c7580 )
⚡ changing aabb to sparse matrix (2cbdab7 )
adding isnan to inequality check (d780300 )
adding node inequality constraints (de33914 )
adding option to use mkl (22883ba )
adding p2 interpolator for 3d :) (5d0acfb )
bug with equality constraints (b192cff )
changing base unstructred support to work (50ca16b )
correct ordering of shape functions (6f2f113 )
minor fix to variogram saving wavelength guess as attribute (2dbc29e )
modifying for 3d/generic case. (c6a8ea3 )
norm constraints p2 (93d3165 )
region funct type incorrect causing (a5d27f1 )
storing constraints as numpy array (6c75379 )
📝 adding warning that analysis module is experimental (0574e57 )
📝 updating documentation for evaluate model (1dcc716 )
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