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JanaHej edited this page Aug 15, 2022 · 1 revision

User story

As a user, I want to have the possibility to see the FAQ so that I would obtain all the needed information in one place.

FAQ´s question & answers list

There is a fixed list of the FAQ questions for every specialist. Only answers vary for every specialist. (FAQ list in excel is part of this ticket)

FAQ list

  • Who is the specialist? - “Kdo je XY lékař?“
    • The XY represents the respective specialist, it would be changing based on the selected check-up
  • Why should I see the specialist? - “Co získám, když na takovou kontrolu půjdu?“
  • How it will look like? - “Jak bude prohlídka probíhat?“
  • How long does it take? - “Jak dlouho to trvá?“
  • Do I need to pay anything? - “Bude to něco stát?“
  • Is there any need to prepare anything in advance? - “Je potřeba se nějak speciálně připravit?“

Solution proposal

  • Once the user selects a demanded question, he/she needs to click at the “Arrow” to see the detailed answer.
  • If the text would be too long, we should offer a button for more information (“Více informací”), it would display the answer fully

Acceptance criteria

  • The FAQ section is present at the check-up detail
  • Once the user clicks at the “arrow” of the certain question, it opens the detail
  • The user is able to “unroll” all questions at once
  • If the text is too long, the “Více informací” button is displayed, once the user clicks at it, full text will be displayed

Meeting notes

MVP documentation

Test scenarios


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