LFS installer scripts. This collection of scripts and makefiles is meant to make builds easier, not saver. Instructions are left intentionally vague. It is highly advised to always follow the book (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downloads/8.3/)
# bash version-check.sh
The setup script will reformat de given disk to one big ext4 partition, any data on that disk will be lost. If you wish to use a swap partition create and initialise it yourself.
# bash setup.sh /dev/sdX #wipes disk
To build packages individually
$ make rBinutilsPass1
$ make rGCCPass1
$ make rAPIHeaders
$ make rGlibc
$ make rLibstdc++
$ make rUtil-Linux
$ make rXz
or to make the temporary system in one go
$ make TempSys
Packages are only build once. Meaning that if you wish to time the first build or for any other reason build the first few packages individually, make TempSys
will continue where you left off.
$ make strip
or to also remove documentation and other unneeded files
$ make stripFull
$ exit
# bash system.sh
# cd sources
# make FileSystem
# make sAPIHeaders
# make sMan-pages
# make [Tz=Area/Location] sGlibc
To set the timezone tzselect
will be called during the build, unless Tz is set with a valid timezone name.
# make Toolchain
# make sZlib
# make sFile
# make sReadline
# make sM4
# make sBc
# make sBinutils
# make sGMP
# make sMPFR
# make sMPC
# make sShadow
# passwd root
# make sGCC
Check the test results
# ../contrib/test_summary
and continue the installation.
# make sGCCinstall
# make sBzip2
# make sPkg-config
# make sNcurses
# make sAttr
# make sAcl
# make sLibcap
# make sSed
# make sPsmisc
# make sIana-Etc
# make sBison
# make sFlex
# make sGrep
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