is a Julia
implentation the VPMR method by Zixuan Gao, Jiuyang Liang and Zhenli Xu in A Kernel-Independent Sum-of-Exponentials Method, which can be used to represent rapid decaying kernels via sum of exponentials.
Add this package in julia by typing ]
in Julia REPL and then
pkg> add SumOfExponentials
to install the package.
The main function is
function VPMR_cal(
f::Function, # function to be approximated, be like f(x::T) where{T<:Real}, and make sure it can produce highly accurate result for BigFloat
nc::T, # width of soe
n::Int, # terms of soe in VP
N::Int, # order of Gaussian integral
p::Int; # terms of MR
T1::DataType = ComplexF64, # output type for s and w
T2::DataType = Float64, # output type for \sigma
digit::Int = 1024,
) where{T}
for details please refer to the article.
Here is an example of using VPMR, where we find a 12 term approximation for Gaussian function:
julia> using SumOfExponentials
julia> f = x -> exp(-x^2)
#58 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> sw12, σ12 = VPMR_cal(f, 4.0, 40, 100, 12, print_info = true);
[ Info: VP error: 1.2159077902284768438357759665040000333168536446025393484114289668230574315365e-12
[ Info: MR error: 1.331145872202156879583878373566408054787581766492969993446545399873793531071339e-11
[ Info: Truncated MR error: 1.3310907931440852e-11
More benchmark is shown in the following figure, the code can be found in the expamle
The SOE approach is quite useful since the src/fast_exp_transform.jl
Here we compare the cost of calculating
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