A straightforward cash flow web application. Set your accounts and categories and then register your incomes and expenses. You will be able follow the flow of your cash through the months, see where it goes and where you could save.
This is my particular cash flow system. I'm always trying some of the market's application for cash flow. And, as a developer, i always come back to my own implementation.
This is the one app that give me exactly what i want from this kind of application. And if there something missing or broken, i can fix it. Besides that, i'm always using this project as my personal case for study, learning and practicing new technologies.
My endeavour started back on early 2000 with vb6
, passed through vb.net
and then c#
. Started as a desktop app, turned into web site (with aspnet
) and now a progressive web application (with aspnet core
and angular
Ever since, my sources were on cloud drivers and private repositories. This time i thought will be cool to open the sources on a public repository and, who knows, maybe somebody like-it, maybe somebody fix that anoying bug, or even somebody enhance something.
So, feel free to clone-it and make-it better.
See the Installation file for details
See the ChangeLog file for details
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details