This project was conducted for the network project team project for the first semester of 2022 at Sungkyunkwan University. Based on the ns-3 and network models learned in class, a "speed controlled streaming service" was implemented. Team member is Kang Seung Mok, Yoon So Hee, Lee In Su, Lee Hyun Jeong, Cha Jeong Min and Choi Jae Ik. We divided it into a development team and a simulation team.
- Team Development : Kang Seung Mok, Yoon So Hee, Lee Hyun Jeong, Choi Jae Ik
- Team Simulation : Lee In Su, Cha Jeong Min
Interpreting data read from client and decide which order and how many packets to send
- Register new client for first request from client
- If the client receives the image to the end
- Stop transmitting
- If the client doesn’t receive the image to the end
- Transmit frames in smaller packets
- Send with the number of packets in the frame
- Request to the server with data
- the quality of the video want to receive (resolution)
- how many frames want to send from the server (lastRecvFrame)
- how many frames consume per second (speedxframeRate)
- Receives frame fragments through the packet and adjusts the frame
- Modifying Information of frames that received stably
- Increase the buffer size of the frame
- Consume the frames that have been received and organized, and request video to the server
- rebufferCounter initialization or increment
- Request next packet to server
ns-3 (version 3.30), Python (python 2.7+
or python 3.5+
), C++ compiler (clang++
or g++
), Gnuplot
- Download and build
following the official document here. - Copy the files exactly into the folders of the
. (Be aware of thewscript
, otherwise the video streaming application will not be installed!) - Run
or./waf build
to build the new application. - Run
./waf --run videoStreamer 2> stream.dat
for the testing program and make output data file(you can changeCASE
for different network environments).
During speed control, buffering occurs when the speed increases too much, so it is implemented to automatically improve resolution. The following two variable values can be adjusted to execute them at the desired speed and resolution. The supported resolution is classified into six levels.
- m_videoSpeed : Variable that determines the speed level
- m_videoLevel : Variable that determines the resolution level
- Type the following commands
awk '$1=="0" {print $2 "\t" $3}' stream.dat > buffer.dat
awk '$1=="1" {print $2 "\t" $3}' stream.dat > playtime.dat
awk '$1=="2" {print $2 "\t" $3}' stream.dat > videolevel.dat
set term png
set output "stream.png"
set y2tics
set tics nomirror
set y2range [0:5]
plot "buffer.dat" using 1:2 title "BufferCount" with linespoints, "playtime.dat" using 1:2 title "PlayTime" with linespoints, "videolevel.dat" using 1:2 axes x1y2 title "ResolutionLevel" with linespoints
- Quit gnuplot and check
This video streaming program start with high video resolution. It automatically modify the video quality according to the current buffering. If you want to get more detailed information, check the Results
section right down below.
During speed control, buffering occurs when the speed increases too much, so it is implemented to automatically improve resolution.
- (1) P2P network with 1 server and 1 client
- (2) Wireless network with 1 server and 1 client
Set a m_videoSpeed
, and you are expected to get the graph like this.
- (1) P2P Link
- (2) WiFi Link
The left axis of the graph is video playtime. Since the video is 300 frames and the program takes 5 frames per second, we can see the total playtime is around 60 seconds.
The right axis of the graph is resolution level. There are 6 resolution levels(0 to 5) and always start from level 5.
The buffer count is a buffering counter to reproduce the image, but it may be seen that it does not exceed 1 second or more.
Set a m_videoSpeed
, and you are expected to get the graph like this.
- (1) P2P Link
- (2) WiFi Link
Set a m_videoSpeed
, and you are expected to get the graph like this.
- (1) P2P Link
- (2) WiFi Link
Set a m_videoSpeed
, and you are expected to get the graph like this.
- (1) P2P Link
- (2) WiFi Link
Set a m_videoSpeed
, and you are expected to get the graph like this.
- (1) P2P Link
- (2) WiFi Link
Set a m_videoSpeed
, and you are expected to get the graph like this.
- (1) P2P Link
- (2) WiFi Link
- The ns-3 development team, “ns-3 network simulator.” introduction.html. Accessed: 2020-11-28.
- guoxiliu. “VideoStream-NS3.” Github, Guoxiliu (Ed.). (n.d.). VideoStream-NS3. Retrieved from