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Add FAQ article "How to Generate a Machine ID or Fingerprint" #268

Add FAQ article "How to Generate a Machine ID or Fingerprint"

Add FAQ article "How to Generate a Machine ID or Fingerprint" #268

name: Build NetLicensing Wiki
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Build the site in the jekyll/builder container
run: |
docker run \
-v ${{ github.workspace }}:/srv/jekyll -v ${{ github.workspace }}/_site:/srv/jekyll/_site \
jekyll/builder:latest /bin/bash -c "chmod 777 /srv/jekyll && jekyll build --future"
# - uses: chabad360/htmlproofer@master
# with:
# directory: "./_site"
# arguments: --check-html --allow-hash-href --log-level info --url-ignore "^(?!http).*"