FisherA2Z is a Fisher forecasting code initially developed by Husni Almoubayyed for his PhD thesis Chapter 4. Tianqing Zhang refurbished the code in 2024 and prepared Zhang et al in prep. "A2Z" stands for the initial of Almoubayyed and Zhang.
This repository includes code used for the Fisher Information matrix computation used to assess the impact of photo-z modeling errors on 3x2pt inferences.
First, initialize a conda environment by
conda create -n 'fisher_env' python=3.8
conda activate fisher_env
Clone the repository, and install from source by
pip install -e .
Then you can add your conda environment to your jupyterLab by
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=fisher_env
The majority of the code is in, and the Fisher class therein.
The Fisher class takes a CCL cosmo object and 3 iterables of length 5 each to specify the photo-z error model in terms of biases, standard deviations, and outlier fractions.
To get the fisher matrix for a certain case, it is sufficient to run
from fisher import Fisher
f = Fisher(cosmo=ccl_cosmo)
then the Fisher information matrix will be stored in f.fisher.