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manifest loader exporting n-quads
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nicholascar committed Dec 22, 2024
1 parent 9728306 commit 5e9d64b
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Showing 3 changed files with 137 additions and 67 deletions.
189 changes: 132 additions & 57 deletions manifest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,76 +1,150 @@
This script creates an n-quads files containing the following by parsing a Prez Manifest:
1. A Named Graph for each content item using the item's IRI as the graph IRI
2. A Named Graph for the container either using the container's IRI as the graph IRI if given, or by making one up if a Blank Node
3. All the triples in resources with roles mrr:completeContainerAndContentLabels & mrr:incompleteContainerAndContentLabels within a Named Graph with IRI <https://background>
4. An Olis Virtual Graph, <> object which is as an alias for all the Named Graphs from 1., 2. & 3.
5. Entries in the System Graph - Named Graph with IRI <> - for each Real and the Virtual Graph
1. A Named Graph for each resource using the item's IRI as the graph IRI
2. A Named Graph for the catalogue, either using the catalogue's IRI as the graph IRI + "-catalogue" if given, or by making one up - a Blank Node
3. All the triples in resources with roles mrr:CompleteCatalogueAndResourceLabels & mrr:IncompleteCatalogueAndResourceLabels within a Named Graph with IRI <https://background>
4. An Olis Virtual Graph, <> object using the catalogue IRI, if give, which is as an alias for all the Named Graphs from 1., 2. & 3.
5. Multiple entries in the System Graph - Named Graph with IRI <> - for each Named and the Virtual Graph from 1., 2. & 3.
Run this script with the -h flag for more help, i.e. ~$ python -h
Optionally this scrit can upload the n-quads file to a SPARQL endpoint.
docker run --rm --env=ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin --volume=/Users/nick/work/kurrawong/ --volume=/Users/nick/work/kurrawong/ -p 3030:3030 --name manifest-loader
Run this script with the -h flag for more help, i.e. ~$ python -h

import argparse
import httpx
from urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlparse
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from rdflib import Graph, Namespace
from rdflib import PROF, RDF, SDO, SKOS
from kurrawong.fuseki import upload_file
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

MRR = Namespace("")
import httpx
from rdflib import DCAT, DCTERMS, PROF, RDF, SDO, SKOS
from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Dataset

from ns_mrr import MRR
from ns_olis import OLIS
from validator import validate
from kurrawong.format import make_quads
from kurrawong.utils import load_graph

__version__ = "1.0.0"

def load(sparql_endpoint: str, manifest_file: Path):
g = Graph().parse(manifest_file)
def export_quads(
g: Graph, dataset_iri: URIRef, destination_path: Optional[Path] = None
d = make_quads(g, dataset_iri)
d.bind("reg", "")
d.bind("olis", OLIS)

if destination_path is not None:
if destination_path.is_file():
d2 = Dataset()
d3 = d + d2
d3.serialize(format="trig", destination=destination_path)
d.serialize(format="trig", destination=destination_path)

def load(
manifest: Path,
sparql_endpoint: str = None,
export_quads_file: Path = None,
"""Loads a catalogue of data from a manifest file, whose content are valid according to the Prez Manifest Model
( either into a specified quads file in the Trig format, or into a
given SPARQL Endpoint."""

if sparql_endpoint is not None and export_quads_file is not None:
raise ValueError("You may only specify either a sparql_endpoint or a export_quads_file, not both")
elif sparql_endpoint is None and export_quads_file is None:
raise ValueError("You must specify either a sparql_endpoint or a export_quads_file, not neither")

# load and validate manifest
g = validate(manifest)

MANIFEST_ROOT_DIR = manifest.parent

vg = Graph()
vg_iri = None

with (httpx.Client() as http_client):
for s, o in g.subject_objects(PROF.hasResource):
for role in g.objects(o, PROF.hasRole):
# The catalogue - must be processed first
if role == MRR.CatalogueData:
for artifact in g.objects(o, PROF.hasArtifact):
# load the Catalogue, determine the Virtual Graph & Catalogue IRIs
# and fail if we can't see a Catalogue object
c = load_graph(MANIFEST_ROOT_DIR / str(artifact))
vg_iri = c.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DCAT.Catalog)
if vg_iri is None:
raise ValueError(
f"ERROR: Could not create a Virtual Graph as no Catalog found in the Catalogue data"
catalogue_iri = URIRef(str(vg_iri) + "-catalogue")

# add to the System Graph
vg.add((vg_iri, RDF.type, OLIS.VirtualGraph))
vg.add((vg_iri, OLIS.isAliasFor, catalogue_iri))
vg_name = c.value(
subject=vg_iri, | DCTERMS.title | SKOS.prefLabel,
) or str(vg_iri)
vg.add((vg_iri,, vg_name))

# export the Catalogue data
if export_quads_file is not None:
export_quads(c, catalogue_iri, export_quads_file)

with httpx.Client() as client:
# ContentData
p = None
# non-catalogue resources
for s, o in g.subject_objects(PROF.hasResource):
for o2 in g.objects(o, PROF.hasRole):
if o2 == MRR.ContentData:
for o3 in g.objects(o, PROF.hasArtifact):
if not len(str(o3).split("*")) > 1:
p = manifest_file.parent / Path(str(o3))

data = Graph().parse(p)
for ng in data.subjects(RDF.type, SKOS.ConceptScheme):
ng = str(ng)

if ng is not None:
upload_file(sparql_endpoint, p, client, ng)
for role in g.objects(o, PROF.hasRole):
# The data files & background - must be processed after Catalogue
if role in [

for artifact in g.objects(o, PROF.hasArtifact):
if not len(str(artifact).split("*")) > 1:
files = [manifest.parent / Path(str(artifact))]
glob_parts = str(o3).split("*")
p = manifest_file.parent / Path(glob_parts[0])
p = p.glob("*." + glob_parts[1])
glob_parts = str(artifact).split("*")
files = Path(
manifest.parent / Path(glob_parts[0])
).glob("*" + glob_parts[1])

for f in files:
fg = Graph().parse(f)
if role == MRR.ResourceData:
resource_iri = fg.value(
predicate=RDF.type, object=SKOS.ConceptScheme

if role in [MRR.CompleteCatalogueAndResourceLabels,
resource_iri = URIRef("http://background")

vg.add((vg_iri, OLIS.isAliasFor, resource_iri))
export_quads(fg, resource_iri, export_quads_file)

# export the System Graph
if export_quads_file is not None:
export_quads(vg, OLIS.SystemGraph, export_quads_file)

# upload_file()
return True

def setup_cli_parser(args=None):
def url_file_or_folder(input: str) -> ParseResult | Path:
parsed = urlparse(input)
if all([parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc]):
return parsed
path = Path(input)
if path.is_file():
return path
if path.is_dir():
return path
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
f"{input} is not a valid input. Must be a file, folder or sparql endpoint"

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,16 +178,17 @@ def cli(args=None):

args = setup_cli_parser(args)

# Do stuff here

if __name__ == "__main__":
manifest = Path(__file__).parent / "tests" / "demo-vocabs" / "manifest.ttl"
results_file = Path(__file__).parent / "results.trig"
print(load(manifest, export_quads_file=results_file, sparql_endpoint="x"))
retval = cli(sys.argv[1:])
if retval is not None:
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion manifest/tests/demo-vocabs/catalogue.ttl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PREFIX xsd: <>
catns:language-test ;
schema:codeRepository "" ;
schema:creator <> ;
schema:dateCreated "2024-11-17"^^xsd:gYear ;
schema:dateCreated "2023"^^xsd:gYear ;
schema:dateModified "2024-10-16"^^xsd:date ;
schema:description "A testing catalogue for the Prez Manifest Loader tool" ;
schema:name "Demo Vocabularies" ;
Expand Down
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions manifest/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,7 @@

def test_load_01():
manifest = Path(__file__).parent / "manifest-01-valid.ttl"
print(load("http://localhost:3030/mani/", manifest))

def test_load_02():
manifest = Path(__file__).parent / "manifest-02-valid.ttl"
print(load("http://localhost:3030/mani/", manifest))

manifest = Path(__file__).parent / "demo-vocabs" / "manifest.ttl"
results_file = Path(__file__).parent / "results.trig"
print(load(manifest, sparql_endpoint=None, export_quads_file=results_file))

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