This repo contains the source code used in the paper How Do Fast Fashion Copycats Affect the Popularity of Premium Brands? Evidence from Social Media, authored by professor June Shi, Department of Marketing, HKUST SBM and published in Journal of Market Research, March 2023.
The data was collected from Datasets 2 and 3 can be linked by user id.
- data/look: contains the images in jpg format. Paths follow user_id/look_id.jpg
- look.csv: each entry corresponds to a post
- lb_user.csv: each entry is a user
As the raw image sometimes contains multiple human figures, we copped the largest one for further analysis.
The raw data is saved in data/look/user_id/look_id.jpg
format, the mapping is saved in data/look_mapping.csv
. Use
to crop the largest single human from the image. It will save the cropped image in data/human_images/userID_lookID.jpg
python --batch_size=32 --base_path="data/look" --csv_path="data/look_mapping.csv" --save_path="data/human_images"
Since there are 2,868 corrupted images, we filter the corrupted images (data/empty_image.csv
) and save a new mapping csv in data/look_mapping_1.csv
, which has 383,556 images left.
- Reference
The code is forked from cloth-segmentation.
- Procedure
The U2NET model classifies each pixel into four categories: {'background': 0, 'upper body': 1, 'lower body': 2, 'full body': 3} and save each detected item as a separate image in path data/cloth_images/userID_lookID_itemID.jpg
. Due to cuda memory constraint, the max batch_size is up to 4. It also outputs a csv in data/segmentation_output.csv
that gives the number of detected cloth items and their categories for each look_id image.
Download the pretrain model here and put it under cloth-segmentation/assets/model.pth
python cloth-segmentation/ --batch_size=4 --base_path="data/human_images" --mapping_path="data/look_mapping_1.csv" --model_path="cloth-segmentation/assets/model.pth" --save_path="data/cloth_images"
There are 176,505 images with 2 detected items, and 83,596 images with 3 detected items. We only embed and predict the compatibility scores for images containing multiple detected items.
- Reference
The code is forked from fashion-compatability.
- Rationale of type-specific embedding
It first learns a single, general embedding space, and then projects items from the general embedding space to the subspaces identified by pair of types. For example, all bottoms that are compatible with a given top item, will be close in the top-bottom subspace. While these bottom items may vary differently in the general embedding space (depend on their similarity among the bottom items).
The rationale of the type-specific embedding is to consider type in describing similarity and compatability. If there is only one single embedding space:
- All shoes that are close to a bottom must be close to the bottom, then these shoes are also close to each other, which cannot further distinguish their similarity within the bottom type.
- It does not allow items match in one context, not the other. But compatibility is not transitive. (A is compatible with B, B is compatible with C, but it does not imply that A is compatible with C.)
- How to match type spaces
The polyvore dataset have 11 semantic categories, including tops, bottoms, all-body, shoes, bags, outerwear, sunglasses, jewellery, hats, accessories, scarves. There are 66 type spaces derived from the 11 categories, including (shoes, bags), (tops, bottoms) (top, all-body) etc.
As in the lookbook dataset, the cloth items fall into the upper-body, lower-body and full-body, which corresponding to the tops, bottoms and all-body categories in polyvore dataset. Thus, we mainly interact with the type spaces related to tops, bottoms and all-body in later image embedding and compatibility measure.
- Image embedding
The pretrained model uses an embedding dimension of 64. To get the embeddings of items within an outfit, we pass the segmented item's image (anchor) to the model and get an embedding matrix of shape (67, 64). The first row is the general embedding and the remaining rows are type-specific embeddings. Then we obtain the anchor and its paired image's types to get the corresponding type space and extract the type-specific embedding in the embedding matrix with the type space index. Below are several examples.
For an outfit that only detects one item, such as top. We extract the row of (top, top) embedding from the embedding matrix.
For an outfit that contains two itemes such as a top and a bottom. If the current anchor is the top item, we extract the row of (top, bottom) embedding from the embedding matrix. Same for the bottom item.
If the outfit contains three items: top, bottom and all-body. When the top item is the anchor, we extract the rows of (top, bottom) and (top, all-body) from the embedding matrix and take the average as the final image embedding for the top item.
- Compatibility measure
Compatibility is measured by the average of pairwise Euclidean distance (L2-norm) among the type-specific embedding of cloth items within an outfit.
For example, for outfit containing 3 items and we have the embeddings v1, v2, and v3. We compute the pairwise Euclidean distance of (v1, v2), (v1, v3) and (v2, v3), take the average to get the final compatibility score.
Compatibility score is only applicable for outfits containing more than one items. For outfits that only one item is detected, the compatibility score is None in this case.
Notice that here compatibility score is a distance measure, so a larger score means that the items within an outfit are less compatible.
- Procedures
First, need to download the pretrain model here, and put it under fashion-compatibility/model/model_best.pth.tar
The embeded vectors are saved in hdf5 format with hierarchy being str(user_id)/str(look_id)
. The embeded dimension is 64 for each detected item. To track the hierarchy in hdf5 file, a mapping csv is saved in data/embed_item_id_mapping.csv
, which gives the mapping from look_id to item_id in data/cloth_images
to idx in embeded vectors in hdf5.
Note that the batch_size must be set to 1 for calculating the compatibility score for multiple items in a single look_id image. The root directory is lookbook
python fashion-compatibility/ --resume="fashion-compatibility/model/model_best.pth.tar" --batch_size=1 --dim_embed=64 --base_path="data/cloth_images" --segmentation_csv="data/segmentation_output.csv" --output_score="data/compatibility_score.csv" --output_mapping="data/embed_item_id_mapping.csv" --output_hdf5="data/embed_vector.h5" --typespace_path="fashion-compatibility/data/polyvore_outfits/nondisjoint"
- Plot charts to evaluate pretrain model's performance on polyvore dataset
- Dataset
To evaluate pretrained model's performance on the dataset used in the paper, we downloaded the polyvore outfit dataset here, unzip and put it under the fashion_compatibility/data
folder. There are three datatsets: (1) maryland dataset, (2) disjoint polyvore outfit, (3) nondisjoint polyvore outfit. We use the last two datasets. The difference between the disjoint and nondisjoint dataset is the way of splitting the train, validation and test set. For nondisjoint one, the outfits in respective set do not overlap while the individual items may overlap. For disjint one, both the outfits and individual items don't overlap in all three sets.
- Code
The root directory is fashion_compatibility
folder. The code is written in
and helper functions to plot roc and precision-recall curves are added in
. The save path arguments are passed in test_compatibility
function, and plot_roc_curve
and plot_pr_curve
functions define the layout of charts. By alternating the polyvore_split argument ("nondisjoint" or "disjoint"), charts on different dataset are saved in result
python --test --l2_embed --polyvore_split="nondisjoint" --resume="model/model_best.pth.tar"
- Definition of a cluster
Items within the same cloth category (upper body, lower body or full body) and are posted in the latest three months.
For example, when computing the distinctiveness of upper body cloth items posted in Mar 2018, we choose the upper body cloth items posted from Jan to Mar 2018 to form the cluster.
- Measure of cluster center
Median of embedding vectors of all items within the cluster.
- Definition of cluster compactness
Summation of Euclidean distance between embedding vector of each item in the cluster and the cluster center.
- Definition of item distinctiveness
How different this cloth item is from other items within the cluster.
The difference is measured by summation of pairwise Euclidean distance between this item from other items within the cluster, and further normalized by the cluster compactness.
Each detected item will have a distinctivess score.
- How to run the program
The code is written in
. We need to load the embedding vector h5 file - data/embed_vector.h5
, the mapping csv from h5 file to the item_id - data/embed_item_id_mapping.csv
and the look csv - data/look.csv
The program will first loop each of the item category, and then a second loop of the latest month. For each latest month, a cluster is formed by including the items posted in the past 3 months, and distinctiveness of items posted in the latest month are computed.
Run the following command, the output score is saved in data/distinctiveness_score.csv
python --embed_vector="data/embed_vector.h5" --embed_mapping="data/embed_item_id_mapping.csv" --look="data/look.csv" --save_path="data/distinctiveness_score.csv"