- NLP course taught by Zhou Yu in UC Davis
- Zhou Yu leads our Davis Team Gunrock was awarded $500,000 to compete in Amazon Alexa Prize.
- Texbook: Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft) by Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin
- Implement Noisy Channel
- Test 6 language models with training and dev data
- 6 Language Models:
- Unigram Model
- Bigram Model
- Smooth Unigram Model
- Smooth Bigram Model
- Backoff Model: implemented with unsmoothed bigram and smoothed unigram
- Custom Model: implemented unsmooth trigram, unsmooth bigram, and smoothed unigram in backoff model
- Implement Trigram Backoff HMM with deleted-interpolation
- Implement Trigram Viterbi Algorithm
- Train and test lanague model on English, Japanese, and Bulgarian
- Achieve 95% accuracy on English POS Tagging test data
- Achieve 94% accuracy on Japanese POS Tagging test data
- Achieve 89% accuracy on Bulgarian POS Tagging test data
- Designed lexicon and grammar for parsing sentences
- Generated sentences using self-designed PCFG
- Improved accuracy by 40%
- Predicted moview review sentiment using Naive Bayes
- Implement Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifer with 81% accuracy
- Implement Binarized Naive Bayes Classifer with 84.15% accuracy