This is the organization website, for front-facing prospective users and organizers. It's a Node/Angular app, if you have any questions please reach out to [email protected].
- make sure you have gulp and bower installed:
npm install -g gulp-cli bower
- go to the root directory
- run:
# root installation tools, ability to run the client
# this should trigger the bower install as well
npm install
# our server or local API
cd ./server
npm install
npm start
# Open in a new tab/window for terminal in the project root
gulp serve
- go to project root
- run:
# If adding a new target, make sure the git repo's set up to handle it
mkdir dist && cd $_
git init
git remote add heroku ~location~
# Otherwise, build project, deploy to heroku location
cd ./
gulp build
cd dist
git add .
git commit -a -m "deployment"
git push -f ~target~ master
# If there are any additional directions, follow them to complete the deployment
You can try running this via Docker if you want.
First set things up by going into a bash shell:
docker-compose run app bash
Then, once in the bash shell, install everything:
npm install
bower install --allow-root
cd server
npm install
Then exit the shell and run docker-compose up
visit http://localhost:3000/.