Earthquake data for the last 7 days is used for the visualization. The data is taken as a JSON format from the USGS, which is updated every 5 minutes.
Creating a map using Leaflet that plots all of the earthquakes from your data set based on their longitude and latitude.
The visualzation includes
Data markers which reflect the magnitude of the earthquake in their size and color. Earthquakes with higher magnitudes appear larger and darker in color.
Popups that provide additional information about the earthquake when a marker is clicked.
A legend that will provide context for your map data.
The Level-1 page can be accessed here
Tectonic plates were added in this map in order to illustrate the relationship between tectonic plates and seismic activity.
- A base map object with 4 map layers to choose from was added
- An overlay map which contains plates layer and geoJSON layer was also added.
- Layer controls to our map was created.
The Level-2 page can be accessed here